The New Joseph

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Joseph laid in the hospital bed and stared at the ceiling.

 His legs were in stints and the gashes were artfully stitched up. His hands were swollen from the gunshots to the fingers but looking normal. 

He was finally cleaned up but that didn't help.

 You can't wash away his bruises, you can't wash away his scars or the swollen left eye, and we will never be able to wash away the memories from what happened to him. I didn't say a word as I closed the door behind me. 

Joseph turns his head to me and it looked light the light had disappeared from his beautiful green eyes. 


He mumbles and lifts his arm to me, the bright neon pink 'suicide risk' wristband looks out of place on his thin wrist.

 He was so frail and small. 

I almost tiptoe to him, terrified. But as I come closer his arm fall limp and I can see the tears in my husbands eyes. I have failed him.


 I'm barely able to get out his name as I finally reach the bed. He looks up at me and then back to the ceiling. 

"Peter... I.... I'm sorry." 

he says and chokes out a small cry. I instantly crawl onto the hospital bed and gently move him, being careful of the bruises and stitches, until he's gathered up in my arms. 

"Joseph, oh my Joseph. I'm so sorry." I hold his head close to me, he was so small, almost like a doll.

 "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for the mistakes of others." Joseph whispers but it was so nice to know he was alive and breathing. 

"Joseph, I failed you. I didn't keep my vow to you. I couldn't protect you. I have failed you." I cry into his soft shoulder and he puts his hand on my arm and gives it a gentle squeeze. 

"Shh, Peter. Hey, I'm here."

I felt so weak and broken, even though I will never personally know the hellish nightmare he lived through these past two days. I look into the only eye which wasn't swollen and a tiny spark had come back just from being with me. He wipes my tears with a swollen thumb and I grab the hospital blanket to cover his shivering body.

 "Joseph, I will never let you go again," I say to him as I hold him close and he nods. 


he weakly rubs my arm a little and I smile at him the best I can. 

"Swear to me you will never ask me about these past few days. We will not talk about it, you won't ask questions about it, nothing." He says, his voice wavering.

 I delicately cradle his small bald head in the crook of my arm. I look at my poor sweet husband. He was in unimaginable pain that I would never understand. 

My husband was in the worst shape out of the group. 

When Linda was covered in blood, it wasn't hers. It was Joseph's. 

He was beaten to protect Seung.

 He was shot to protect all the children.

 He was stabbed to protect Linda and her unborn daughter.

 He was raped to protect Winnie. 

Joseph the true hero now. 

I look down at his wrist, the paper risk band rubbing against my skin. 

"On one condition," I say and he looks at me curiously. He looked so tired. 

"I won't ask what happened, but you will tell me when you're hurting. When the pain becomes too much. Your bad days, your good days, everything. No lies, no hiding, no guilt." I explain and he looks up at the ceiling again, The thoughts spinning in his head.


he says and I kiss his forehead. 

He closes his eyes, nuzzling his head against my chest. 

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