Three Times Worse

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We all gather around the main ballroom of the Grayson mansion to tell our stories and begin to trace our spouses and children.

Similar situations happened to all of us.

The Grayson family member was shot and tranquilized using a paralyzing nerve agent. Our spouses and children were taken, a 'D' was carved into the backs of our hands.

Papa and Mama were fine along with Soren and Ava because they are original Graysons.

They only have the 'D' carved into the back of their hands.

But for the rest of us, there was a very dark aurora in the air. So thick it could be felt as soon as you entered the room. They were taken from us.

From Jonathan, a very pregnant Linda had been taken with Nolan.

From me Joseph, Ella, and PJ.

From Pierce, his four-year-old son Taehyung

From Shawn, his wife Leilani.

From Enrique his fiancee Winnie and their son Justin

From Luke his husband Seung.

Parker and Skyler were untouched and so was Mia.

We were all in a state of shock. "I feel like I failed them," Jonathan says and we look at each other from across the room.

Everyone was in pain but we had a different kind of pain.

They took our children and our significant others.

"This is all my fault," Luke says and starts to cry into his palms. "If I hadn't terminated the Dwyer account this would have never happened!" He yells and slams his fist into the table.

"Nothing you could have done would have prevented this. Their business would have failed either way and they still would have blamed us." Enrique says while running his fingers nervously through his hair.

It had been two days since they were taken when the tranquilizers finally wore out to the point of us being able to walk again. The holo news casters were already spreading the news and Bridgeport was mourning the loss of both their queen and the kidnapped Grayson family members. The police were out in full force throughout the island but I had a feeling they weren't here anymore.

It was up to Next Generation to find them but our parents had banned us from leaving the house because we would become reckless.

Our father walks into the room with the Saber Division behind him. Soren, Ava, and Wyatt continue to the center of the grand ballroom and bow. Soren puts his hand to his heart as our mother comes close to him. Her eyes were swollen from crying but she gets down on her knees and Soren follows.

"I didn't want to do this but it's been too long. We have to find them and this is the only way." She says and a single tear falls down Soren's cheek.

"We are going to try to see through their eyes, but the echo might cast through the room. No one says a word or the communication will be lost," Mama warns and looks at all of us, we all nod to her and wait anxiously as they close their eyes.

It only takes seconds to find them.

"Joseph! Joseph! Hang on! Oh my god, Winnie!" We hear Linda scream at the top of our lungs and I hold my head. It felt as if someone turned up static on the com to max volume and hurt our ears.

"He's seizing! Seung help me hold him up! Oh Joseph, hold on!" My heart dropped to new lows and my body was taken over by panic.

Suddenly the sound cuts out when mama and Soren fall back from each other. Both lay on the ground as we rush over and help them up. Soren wipes the blood coming from his nose while mama holds her head and chokes out a cry.

"We saw them...It..."

Soren starts to sign but then stops as a loss for signs to describe what he saw.

He looks at all of us with violet eyes that said it all.

I groan and step back.

"We found them." He signs and stands up.

Father attaches a small camera to his suit and whispers something to him. Their NG symbol glowing orange in the dimmed ballroom. Wyatt and Ava follow Soren as they leave the room but halfway out our mother and father chase after them.

"Wait, we're going with you." They say and Soren nods.

My father turns, "Parker, let's go." he says and Natsume runs after them.

[The actual mission to be covered in NGR]

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