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Later that night I stood in front of the fireplace in our bedroom as Joseph was fast asleep.

I watch the fire move and try to manipulate it like Jonathan, but it doesn't work. I don't have powers but I always wished I did. I laugh a little to myself as I think of all the times when powers could have been useful. I look back to Joseph and lean against the bedpost. He was still the most gorgeous man I had ever seen and I could feel the love I had for him by just looking at him.

"I love..."

I feel the shot as soon as it hits and my entire body goes limp as I fall to the floor with a thud.

Joseph was startled and wakes up, Coming to my side.

"Peter? Peter what's wrong?"

He asks while shaking me but I couldn't move a single muscle in my body no matter how much I willed them to move. I couldn't even twitch. I was paralyzed from whatever I was shot with.


Joseph screams but it's too late.

What happened next would repeat in my nightmares for the rest of my life

Joseph was by my side when he heard PJ scream, he tried to run out of the room to grab him but was stopped in the doorway by two men dressed in heavy duty black artillery gear and wearing all black. He's grabbed by the arms and tries to wiggle his way out, screaming my name but I couldn't move.

I felt useless, incapable of protecting him and incapacitated.

He screams my name as they drag him from the room. I try to move but I can't and Joseph tries to fight but is easily picked up by these strong men and taken. I hear more screams from down the hallways. The blood curling scream of my dear Ella and PJ as I imagine these strangers grabbing them from their shared crib.

No not my babies, I scream but only in my head.

My husband and my children were being ripped apart from me.

I try to close my eyes but can't, and I feel the tears burn in my eyes.

One man walks into the room and I wanted nothing more than to kill him with my bare hands but was unable to.

The screaming from inside the house stops and the sound of heavy footsteps fills the silence as the man walks towards me, holding a knife.

"How does it feel, Peter Grayson, to be on the bottom?" he asks and closes my eyes.

I couldn't see or feel the knife digging into the back of my hand.

But I smelled the blood.

JP Part 2Where stories live. Discover now