Tracing the Culprit

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"Who trained him without telling me?" I ask angrily as Pierce hands his little boy, TaeTae, a small bottle of chemicals. "Bring it into the lab and I'll teach you how to analyze it later." He tells Taetae and pats him on the head. He nods and quietly walks away. Bringing the bottle into the house. 

Pierce finally turns to me and leans against his car. He lets out a deep sigh. 

"Ah, he said you would be mad if you found out. I hope you didn't say anything you're going to regret later." Pierce says and gives me a look.

 I stand next to him and watch the sun begin to set. He lives a county over from us but with his view, he could see the sun set over the entire island. Now it was my turn to sigh.


I admit and he looks at me with his features identical to my own. I wonder how it felt for poor Joseph to be screamed at by that face. 

The thought fills me with so much regret and my phone pings. I flick my wrist to see the tiny message at the corner from Joseph. 'I love you'. More guilt. 

"You know I was doing some research and there's a guy on the island that sells golden retrievers as service dogs for those with PTSD from the whole terrorist attack that happened. Maybe you should get him one." He says on a completely unrelated topic.

 "Pierce, who?"

 I ask seriously and he winces. 


"So you found out about it!"

 Luke calls out while working underneath his Mustang. His husband Seung sits next to the wheel and hands him the different tools he needs. "Joseph and I train together!" Seung says with confidence and throws a fake fist in the air. "Your Alohowa is getting a lot better." I compliment him but he thanks me in Korean accidentally then switches back to Alohowa. 

"You shouldn't be so hurt about it, honestly. This was bound to happen at one time or another. I'm just shocked it wasn't NG related."

 Luke says as he comes out from under the car and I look down at him. He rubs his hands on a rag and sits up.

 "I'm not mad about you training him," I admit and he looks at me curiously. 

"Ohh! You're just mad that no one told you. He said you would get pissed off. I guess he was right.  Never in my entire life have I seen you so angry. Usually, I would expect this from Pierce and not you." He says in a teasing way and I cross my arms.

 "Alright, the jig is up. Yeah, I train Joseph, Seung, and Winnie. They're little guys who need to know how to protect themselves anyway just from being a Grayson, never mind NG." he says and looks up at me.

 "Listen. I know how you feel. To some degree. Seung was kidnapped too and after he came back I felt like well since I'm not always home or by his side 24/7 it's better to train him late than never." Luke explains and I rub my temple.

 "Yeah, I know it's just why did he feel like he had to hide it from me?" I sigh and Luke punches my shoulder.

 "Hey why don't you help me out, I'm changing a few of the pipes and could use an extra hand." He offers and I grab the wrench from him. 

We work together as he explains, "You made a vow to protect him and thanks to unforeseen circumstances, you couldn't. He just didn't want to add salt to the wound and kill your pride or make you feel like you couldn't protect your family." He explains further. 

"Don't let your pride get in the way of your relationship." 

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