Marius Nozomi Grayson

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"You're dripping all over me," 

I complain while sitting at my desk. My screen top running while I to configure our real GDP. 

"I can't snuggle with you now?" Joseph complains as he wraps his arms around my neck and buries his head in my shoulders. 

He just got out of the shower and his hair was soaking my shirt. 

"I didn't say that." 

one of these numbers isn't looking right. The CPI is way too low.

 "You did, but whatever!" 

Joseph says while throwing his hands up and proceeds to sit on my lap instead. 

"I thought you would be relaxed by now," he says and kisses my cheek. 

"Yeah? Well not when your brothers decide to give you an investment project on your anniversary." I say and he laughs, "Your brothers are evil creatures." Joseph says and nuzzles his head against my chest while watching me work. 

"You're telling me." 

I groan while stressfully running my fingers through my hair. 

"Peter..don't move,"

 Joseph says in a harsh whisper and I freeze. 

He slowly reaches up to where I have my hand in my hair and I feel a small pinch. 

"Oh my god. You're starting to get gray hairs!" Joseph screams in laughter and I look at the strand of gray hair he pulled.

 "Noooo! I'm only twenty-seven! This can't be happening yet!" I cry out and Joseph just laughs until he can't breathe. 

I felt like had a dark cloud hanging over my head now and Joseph starts to cry with laughter. Dakota looks at both of us confused.

 Suddenly, both of our screen watches go off with excessive amounts of beeping. When I can finally move I tap the screen. 

"Congratulations! Baby C, Male, Grayson, was born at 9:15 pm, you..." 

The message continues but Joseph and I were already up and running.

"You know the last time I did this I was alone and looking like a catastrophe," Joseph says as he holds my hand while we walk down the hall to the nursery. I give his hand a gentle squeeze. 

"Well, now we can both be here." I say when we approach the desk.

 "Ahh, the Graysons! Right this way!" The nurse recognizes us and we follow her to a room. She smiles and points. We bow and thank her when approaching the door. 

"Ready?" I ask Joseph and he nods. 

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Hello, there little guy." Were the first words I said to him as I rocked him in my arms. 

"Marius Nozomi Grayson," Joseph tells the droid and it puts in little Mari's ID chip. 

Joseph puts his hand through our son's thick strands of brown hair. 

"He's so tiny," Joseph whispers and kisses Mari's head. 

"Hi, Marius. Your daddy and I have been waiting a long time to meet you." He says quietly and Mari yawns. 

I feel my heart triple in size with the addition of a new little boy to fill my days with endless amusement.

 "Ah, he's adorable." Jojo looks up and kisses me gently.

 "He's so perfect," I say and he moves his little hands.

 Jojo sits down on the arm of the hospital couch and holds his arms out. I place little Mari in his arms and he holds him close. The door opens and my mom and dad walk in with PJ and Ella. 

"Where's my little grandson!" She says excitedly and my father comes in behind her looking tired. Joseph introduces Mari to PJ and Ella while my dad stands next to me. 

"What happened to you?" I ask him and he rubs his eyes,

 "Ah, Ella and PJ are identical to you and your brother. Same amount of energy and everything." He says tiredly and smiles at me. 

He ruffles my hair, "You guys really are all grown up. It's crazy how time flies, but I'm so proud of how you turned out." he says hugs my shoulder. 

"Aw, dad I wouldn't be this way if it weren't for you. I can only hope to be half the father you were." I sigh and he chuckles a little.

 "Isn't that his middle name? Nozomi?" 

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