Chapter 1

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Raven sat in her room cold and wet angrily sipping her tea which had cooled quite significantly since she first poured it. But she was too mad to worry about cold tea. Something had just happened that had her blood boiling. It had all started when she walked into the front room poured her tea and left for her room. She had noticed Beast Boy starring at her weird but she hadn't thought anything of it. That was until she came back for her book. Before she stepped into the room though she heard a conversation between Beast Boy and Cyborg. She would have just ignored it but it seemed more interesting than their normal squabbles.
"Man you totally like her." Cyborg said teasingly 
"What I do not!" Beast Boy staid defensively

"Sure......" Cyborg mocked
"Look I don't like her and and I'll prove it!" Beast Boy said boldly
"Oh and how do you plan to do that?" Cyborg cockily questioned "
"I'll a prank on her!" He said nervously 
"Oh really now?" Cyborg said
"Yeah I'll do it right now!" Beast Boy said trotting to the kitchen grabbing something and then walking into the hall. Raven not wanting to get caught eavesdropping quickly ran to her room and shut the door only to hear a knock quickly
"Hey Raven could you come out for a second?" She heard Beast Boy's voice she could also hear Cyborg's snicker from behind the door. She heard nervous fumbling and and decided to open the door. She was suddenly struck with a blast of cold water to her face and clothes. When she wiped the water from her eyes she saw Beast Boy eyes closed running away with the kitchen hose in hand Cyborg following after laughing. So now she sat in her room soaking wet and angry. Then an idea struck.
"No," she told herself "That's too mean." She tried to tell her self "I would never do that." It was a relatively cruel trick. But then again, it was a relatively cruel prank. "Maybe.......just for a little bit." Raven  contemplated  "It couldn't hurt just to get back at him...." A plan was quickly forming. And so that's how it started a plan birthed of cruel intentions that had the potential to become even crueler.

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