Chapter 5

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Raven couldn't help thinking about what happened last night. It was terrible and hilarious at the same time. All day she'd meant to tell him that it had all been a prank. That she would never ever date him. But there hadn't been a time. So now she was sitting in her room contemplating just staying in her room and blowing off the "date". Just giving up and not doing it didn't seem like the right option though. She'd worked so hard on keeping the plan up and it'd be a waste to just abandon it here like day old quiche under a park bench. So reluctantly she got up and walked to the front room.
"Your here!" He said seemingly happy and shocked. "It's been a while and I was starting to think you'd blow me off or something. I'm glad you didn't." He offered Raven stood silently thinking thoughtfully about how she would break it off. Her thoughts were interrupted by Beast Boy's interjected speech. "Well let's go!" He said smiling taking Raven hand as they went to the elevator. She just resisted the urge to pull her hand away.

"Um I hate to ask but go where?" She questioned
"To our date of course! I'm going to make the time that we can spend together special." He said Raven didn't know what she expected but finding herself at an arcade that night was pretty high on the list. "Of course." Raven muttered
"This ones my favorite!" Beast Boy said earnestly As he walked to a ratty old skeeball machine that had probably seen better days. "When I was still with the Doom Patrol it was one of the places we used to go together off duty. We always had a lot of fun." He seemed to chuckle "In fact one of the reasons it's so beat up I'd because Robot-Man got mad that he couldn't win once. We all had to pry him away. It was one of the first times I felt like part of a family " He let a sentimental smile pass over his face. It struck Raven with surprise. She hadn't expected Beast Boy to tell her all this and honestly it made her feel kind of bad for him. "Well any way let me win you something." He said smiling normally again and entering a token into the machine. After a couple tries it was clear Beast Boy wasn't going to win anytime soon so Raven took the last ball and won with ease. "Wow that's awesome!" He exclaimed "Now you get that cool thing!" He said in reference to the banana plusher with sun glasses on it.
"You can have it." Raven told him

"Really!?" He questioned
"Yeah I don't need it anyway." She said handing it over. After that they had a lot of fun and they even beat the high scores in every game in the place. There may have been some magic tampering but that was beside the point they were happy. As they walked home though Raven would never admit it she'd had the best time of her life. So when Beast Boy asked her on a second date she accepted . "It's for the plan." she told herself and that was the most she'd think about it that night.

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