Chapter 4

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After last night Raven awoke feeling invigorated at her actions a new since of confidence washed over her causing her to feel like a changed person. She expected Beast Boy to be awkward and was highly looking forward to such an occasion so much that she got up even earlier than usual. She wanted to see every moment of his embarrassment and laugh at his confusion. Though a small part of her still tinged with guilt over being so mean to him the rest of her quickly put those feelings to bed.
"This is fine." She told herself "Its okay to do this." She thought "I am totally justified." She convinced herself though she knew thais wasn't true. This feeling of disappointment in herself was quickly pushed deep down when he suddenly walked into the kitchen later that morning. Everyone was already dining and he was the last up. As usual. When he strolled in Raven expected him to avoid eye contact be weird and awkward and request to speak with him alone again. Boy was she in for a surprise. We he walked in he said good morning to everyone without missing a beat and looked right at her. But not in the averty weird as she expected even wanted but instead the way he'd always looked at her. As of everything was okay all throughout the meal all Raven could think was "Something's not right". And yet she couldn't think of anything that could trigger such a response. The ringing of the crime alert signaling that their was something that they were needed to take care of cut off her thoughts. And yet even in battle she couldn't stop thinking about what he must have up his sleeve. It distracted her so much she just missed getting hit because of Beast Boy pushing her out of the way. And when he walked away from her she was almost completely sure she saw a flirty wink from him. "What the heck???" Was all she had time to think before being thrown right back into battle. After even during training where she usually did pretty well she could barely focus.
"What was that out their Raven?" Robin asked
"I must have been distracted." She replied hollowly. It was at dinner (A random assortment of left over week old takeout) when she became innately aware that paranoia was over taking her life. "All I need is a good nights sleep!" She told herself so that night when laid down to rest she remained intent on staying there. And yet the familiar sound of the booting up consul drew her out to the front room.
"I was almost worried you wouldn't come." Beast Boy noted "I've made up my mind and.....let's do it.
" what." Raven asked
"Date! The truth is I do like you and have for a while. And when you told me you liked me back I couldn't have said no!"
"Um but we can only see each other at night." Raven said searching for an excuse that wouldn't reveal her true intentions.
"That's okay it'll be like a forbidden romance like in all those cheesy romantic comedies I totally don't watch." He joked

"Um....." Raven replied then she saw it he was going in for a kiss and only to save herself she said okay and then ran to bed.

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