Chapter 2

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Raven quickly started to write down her plan in a journal. She knew what she had to do and though the plan had the ability to backfire she knew it would be the best pay back ever. Her plan?
       "Well," She thought "If Beast Boy is so adamant about not liking me then I'll have to see how he reacts to having me suddenly like him! But I can't let anyone else know then I'll look crazy, but if I act how I normally do when anyone else is around he'll think he's going insane!" She laughed writing it down. She then put the book away and went to go reheat her tea as it was quite cold. Their was no sign of him or Cyborg in the living room "Cowards....." she muttered to no one in particular. She helped herself to her favorite green tea and sat at the table sipping quietly and smiling at her genius idea. Robin and Starfire walked in holding hands. Typical.
       "Hello friend Raven what has made you so pleased in such an afternoon?" She asked cheerfully
        "Oh nothing......" Raven trailed off.
        "Have you seen Beast Boy and Cyborg they were supposed to meet me for training an hour ago and now I can find them anywhere." Robin asked
        "I can't say I have." Raven lied. There was no need to expose them. Then Robin would punish them and then there'd be no point in her little joke. No she'd take her time with this one and be patient. Soon night drew near and her plan was almost in action. She knew that Beast Boy would be playing video games that night as Cyborg had, as he put it, "Totally hogged to system all day!" Raven heard the familiar sound of the system booting up and got up to start her plan. She walked into the room and sat right next to him. The nervous and strange look on his face almost made Raven reconsider her plan. Almost. "Oh um hey Raven." He said stumbling over his words

       "Hi." She said if she acted mad the plan would fail
        "Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier today It's just Cyborg kept teasing me and saying I liked you and it was the only way to get him to stop." Raven continued to listen to his apology "All I'm trying to say is," he kept on " That it was out of line and I hope you aren't to mad." Now was her chance she moved closer to him. He blushed nervously and tried to move back only to realize he was at the edge of the couch. Before he could say anything she spoke quickly to him realize how strange to do this
       "I like you do you not like me?"
     "Um....I......uh....." He was still tripping. She went in for the kill, "I like you a lot." She said as she kissed his cheek. Then as he died of embarrassment she got up left and went to bed laughing the whole way.

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