Chapter 6

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Raven woke up more peacefully than she ever had before. She rose with a smile and was surprised to see how early it really was.
"7:34 am?" She asked no one in particular "That's pretty early especially considering that she'd been out last night. Come to think of it she couldn't remember what time she'd gotten home last night. But she knew it couldn't have been to late because of how well rested she was. It was odd until right about that moment she had barely remembered that she'd gone out with Beast Boy. Up until that point it had all felt like an oddly  comforting dream It'd all seemed to surreal to have really happened. But no. It had happened. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him it was all a prank." She said with less enthusiasm than she'd hoped for. She had been trying and so far failing to come up with a way to tell Beast Boy it had all been a prank since she first arose. It was unexpectedly stressful and she was driving her self half way to insanity. "Well there's no use to just laying here and wallowing in my own self pity." Raven mumbled to herself as she climbed out of her bed tossing off the covers. As she walked to the kitchen in search of her morning tea she was suddenly struck with a memory from last night of her agreeing to a second date. "Oh Azar!" She silently swore "I can't believe I did that what was I thinking. Now there's no way I can tell him today! I guess I'll have to do it tomorrow." She stated annoyed. She sat at the table silently talking to herself as the smell of freshly brewing lemon and mint tea (Her favorite for the morning) filled the room. "Oh well....." she said to herself "At least the look on his face will be even funnier after I give him another day." Though she told herself she didn't care  Raven wondered throughout the day where Beast Boy would take her on their date. When the time rolled around she was excited and dreading it. The two of them walked for what seemed like hours until they finally reached a quiet undisturbed cafe in what seemed like the middle of no where. It was absolutely stunning. She didn't say anything.
"I thought might like it." Beast Boy said smiling winningly "It took me forever to find this place but when I first saw it I was reminded of you." They went inside and sat down in an empty booth. "I wasn't even looking for it the first time I saw it." He said launching into his story "You see it all started when I was walking in the woods. I was a little bit lost and I just stumbled into this place. They gave me some pie and directions." Raven could see how one could get lost out here they were the only patrons and it seemed as if that that spoke to truly how secluded this place was. Raven ordered some tea and Beast Boy wanting to impress her ordered some as well. She was surprised when he actually enjoyed it. They split a piece of pie that was the best they'd ever had and when the bill came the waitress said it was on the house and for a second, just a second Raven forgot that this wasn't real.

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