Chapter 10

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Raven didn't ever want to leave where she was because where she was just so happened to be exactly where she wanted to be. Unfortunately for her it was getting cold and as much as she'd have loved to stay wrapped in Beast Boys warm arms as the salty tears that both of them had she'd dried on their faces she knew they'd both get sick if they didn't go home soon so she started to stand up. But to her surprise just as she got up Beast Boy grabbed her arm and looked almost scared before he relaxed and let go.
            "Sorry." he said "Its just that for a second I thought you were leaving me." He blushed nervously Raven looked at him with a soft sweet expression.
              "I'd never leave you not ever again." She told him now more than ever wanting to stay with him "But it's getting cold and we should go home."
               "Oh yeah, right." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "Let's go." Together they walked home holding hands smiling all the way. But suddenly before the went inside some dawned on Raven and she suddenly stopped walking. Beast Boy stopped with her and turned to her concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked nervously
                 "I was just thinking," she told him "Um....well....what are we?" She asked immediately regretting her question
                  "What do you mean?" he happily joked
                  "Um...just are we, you know, dating?" She still felt bad for along the question. Of course they weren't dating he just felt bad for her or something and this was his pity now he's laugh and her and tell her she was being crazy and,
                 "Are we dating? Of course we are." Beast Boy told her without even thinking. Raven let out a happy sigh that she didn't even know that she'd been holding in.
               "That's good. That's great." She came off more relieved than she meant to.
              "It's okay to be excited." Beast Boy told her reassuringly smile widening with each word that came from his extremely over exaggerated toothy grin. "So when can we tell the others?" He asked Raven mad a sound that seemed to be a cross between a heart attack a stroke and chocking all in one go. She was coughing so much she couldn't tell weather she'd really started chocking on air or not.
              "I really shouldn't be this shocked." She thought "It's just the type of person Beast Boy is it was bound to come up some time. I just don't think I'd be so soon." Being so distracted in her swirl of a quickly depleting air supply and more fear than she'd even felt in her life Raven didn't notice that Beast Boy had bent over and was know trying to help her. She was able to stop after realizing she was genuinely scaring him. "It's okay I'm good." She said standing back up
             "Good." Beast Boy said relieved "We don't have to tell the others if your not ready." He submitted she felt bad for making him have to give up jus plans because of what she felt
              "No no it's fine I was just shocked is all. So how are we going to tell them?" Raven questioned
               "Well I do have one idea...." He told her "But it's a little cruel."
               "Oh I can do cruel." Raven told him so the plan was clearly laid out.theydc simply do a little prank on there fellow Titans. Here's how they would trick them each into thinking that they'd found out about their relationship separately and do some things to them to make sure they didn't blab.The plan was put into action quickly. They let Cyborg see them hugging and holding hands they let Robin see them cuddling and they let Starfire see them kissing. Each time they gave them all the same warning "Don't tell any one or your in big trouble!" And with each of the they performed different pranks to test their loyalty. With Cyborg they loosened his bolts in his sleep so he'd fall apart in the morning. With Robin they put sleeping pills in his coffee so that since he stayed up all night monitoring criminal active not only did he fall asleep at his keyboard but he was also totally wiped out the next morning. Their prank for Starfire was their personal favorite though with them putting black hair dye in her shampoo. When she got out of the shower that morning he scream by its self was worth it. When they all confronted them about all they said was, "A little test to make sure your willing to not tell." After that they did a few more waves of these pranks until finally they all broke and told each other all at the same time.
             "Beast Boy and Raven are dating and they made me keep it secret but honestly no punishment could be worse than these pranks!" They all yelled at the same time. It was only when the two of them starting laughing did they realize they'd been played.
             "You two were never really dating, were you?" Robin said clearly more than a little peeved
              "Oh no we really are dating." Beast Boy said "And we thought what better way to tell you than to let you find out yourselves. And why not have a little fun while we're at it!" Raven finished. They two of them knew that they'd pay for this but it didn't matter because they were finally together. And through it all they'd have each other. And that was a philosophy the two of them always kept throughout their entire relationship. Through out their entire marriage and through their whole lives. Because they had each other.

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