Chapter 7

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It was setting up to be a terrible day. For Raven at least it seemed that the world was completely against her. Her favorite book had been destroyed by a kitchen fire,all the hot water in the shower was used up, she'd spilled her tea all over herself but worst of all she thought, her guilt had been eating away at her all day.
             "This has gone too far." She thought "This has to stop." The issue was taking such a huge toll on her emotions and just about everything else that she was pretty sure that the physical representations of her emotions were actually arguing. There was only one way to find out. Today she had sworn to herself that she'd find time at some point to talk her emotions. Unfortunately there just hadn't been time. Right now she sat in her room watching the minutes and seconds until she'd have to go out there and break the news to him and she was dreading it. This was no longer fun or funny and she wasn't at all ready for it. She took a deep breath to psych herself up and walked out to the front room. Beast Boy was already waiting for her. But before she could even say a word she was being pulled away to the elevator. "Where are we going?" She asked
              "It's a surprise." Was all he replied as he kept leading her to where ever they were going. By the time they got there Raven was sure that they'd been running for miles. He suddenly covered her eyes.
            "Ok now I really want to know where we're going." She slightly protested
            "You'll see soon." He told he excitedly. Raven felt her self being lead through a clearing and suddenly felt Beast Boy's hands being removed from her face. She was surprised and shocked a what she saw. A cute little picnic dinner with candles and roses and in a small idilic location in the middle of the woods.
               "I...I don't know what to say". Raven stuttered
                 "Is it nice?" Beast Boy asked
                 "Nice? It's beautiful!" She said turning to look at him "How'd you find it?" A sort of grim look crept over his face before it returned to its usual brightness.
                 "Say what? I'll tell you while we eat." He said as the two of them walked to sit down. The food was better than Raven would care to admit and the mood was absolutely romantic.

                 "Well go ahead." Raven spoke oddly anxious to hear the story
                  "Well I actually know this place really well because before I met the Doom Patrol this is actually where I lived." He told her nonchalantly
                  "What!" She exclaimed chocking in her pasta
                   "Yeah," he said "It was only for a few years and it wasn't much but it was home." Raven was absolutely shocked at this news Beast Boy the happy go lucky prankster had lived out here in the woods for years! While it at first it sounded crazy it actually made a lot of sense the more she thought about it and it quickly made her question if living out here might be the reason his morals were the way they were.
             "I'm so sorry." She told him
             "Ah it couldn't be helped. Besides at least I'm in a better place for it." He told her as he brushed it off.
             "Why did you bring me here?" Raven asked "It's such a personal place to you."

             "Well......" he started "I've never brought anyone here before and I've never told anyone this. I wanted you to be the first because I feel comfortable around you. When your around I feel like I could tell you anything." He finished Raven was still in shock
               "Do you come here often?" She asked "
                "Yeah. I mean you gotta remember when you came from to love where you are right?" He said Raven felt absolutely terrible. Suddenly it stated to rain. "Aww man there goes this date I guess." Beast Boy said semi-upset the two of them started the journey back By the time they were in front of the tower the rain was coming down hard. "You know Raven, I've never really like someone as much as I like you. It's weird at first I tried to ignore it but I couldn't and it only got worse." He said grabbing her hands. "So when you asked me out I was super excited. And I tried to play it cool but I just couldn't and now I guess it's coming all out. He told her getting closer "I guess what I'm trying to say is," their faces where really close now "I love you." He said as he kissed her. She didn't even try to pull away wrapping herself in the kiss. When it was over he smiled at her walked inside and went straight to bed. All she could do was stand there. This really wasn't part of the plan.

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