Chapter 3

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Raven's plan had succeeded and she was happy. But the true measure of it had worked would come at breakfast the next morning. As she walked into the kitchen everything seemed normal enough Cyborg was fighting Beast Boy over cooking tofu in his pan and Robin and Starfire were suffering though it. When she walked in it seemed normal still but Beast Boy wouldn't make eye contact with her. Just as she had hoped.
       "Oh um hey Raven....." He said flustered
        "Hello." She said seemingly completely unaffected. The plan was working perfectly all day though training relaxation and battling she acted as if nothing had happened and she could tell it was driving him nuts. It took all her strength not to chuckle through her teeth. But by the end of the day little to her knowledge he'd had enough. The blow up came at dinner. His eyes had  been nervously darting back and forth towards and away from her until finally in front of everyone he stood up and asked to talk to her privately. "Whatever." She said standing up to walk to the hall. She knew the rest of the team was probably listening. "Good." She thought, her thought was interrupted by his words hitting her like a brick.
        "What the heck?! Last night you flirt with me and kiss me and now your just going to pretend nothing happened?!" He asked confused Raven checked to see if the Titans were listening. They were. Now she knew what to say to him.
         "I don't know what your talking about but you sound crazy. I don't know if your new here but I am not into you! What you thought happened was probably just a dream and if you could do me a favor and A. Keep me out of your dreams and B. Learn how to separate dreams from reality that'd be great." She ended sentence with a blunt eye roll and walked away. She'd done well. Now that she was back all the Titans quickly retreated to their seat me after hearing the information. Later she heard Cyborg teasing Beast Boy about it. That was all she'd wanted. The plan was complete. And yet.......she didn't feel satisfied. As she heard him booting up the game system that night she still felt like their was more to the plan. Like she needed to do it again. So she walked to the front room and sat down next to him. And to her surprise he started to talk.
         "Maybe it was a dream." He said "Maybe this is a dream to and I'm just imagining that you like me." She felt compelled to keep the lie going.
          "No. This is real." She told him scooting in closer"I really do like you it's just I'm not ready to tell the others yet." She lied scooting closer "I really do like you and I want to date you. But since I can't tell anyone else we'll have to only see each other at night." She was now close enough to feel the beating of his heart. She got up to  leave but before she went into her room. For some reason she couldn't quite pin point she blew him a kiss and winked before scurrying off to bed.

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