Chapter 8

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Raven couldn't believe it. She'd kissed him. Or he'd kissed her. Either way a kiss has happened between them and Raven couldn't believe it. It had to have been some sight nightmare.
"Or a good dream." A small part of her brain said. She quickly pushed that part of her brain back into its dark corner. No this had been real. Raven felt like screaming and crying at the same time. She needed to clear her head so after finishing writing in the journal she'd made for the prank (Which she always tried to update, I mean she had to put all of this somewhere and it's not like she could tell anyone.) she flew up to the roof to read a book and try to clear her head. After about an hour of doing this it was clear it wasn't going to work. "Just great," Raven thought "Can this get any worse?" Of course it could. Beast Boy walked but to the roof and sat next to her.
"Hey!" He said perkily
"Hello." Raven said trying not to let her nervousness show "What are doing up?" She asked trying to sound natural
"I heard you get up and I figured if your up I should be up." You know to give us a little more time together."He responded
"Oh..." she trailed off. This was it. Had to kill it now. "Just say it. It's like ripping off a bandaid. It'll sting for a second and leave a little mark but it'll fade and everything will go back to normal. It was simple. "Beast Boy I don't really like you." That was it, six measly words. "Beast Boy I...." one look into his eyes killed the words in her throat. "Beast Boy I......would like it if you could get my tea cup from my bed room." She said mentally fighting herself.
"Oh of course." He agreed as usual and got up to go retrieve the cup.
"What is wrong with me? Can't I tell him. It's simple I.don't. have. feelings. for. you. How hard is that?" Raven questioned "Maybe it's because you do have feelings for him?" That voice was back with a vengeance "I mean just think about it. You get weird feelings when your around him, you have fun on your dates, he makes you happy, and most importantly of all YOU LET HIM KISS YOU!!!" The voice in her head told her. Maybe it was right, I mean everything it had said was true. Maybe they could just date and he'd never know about this. She'd toss it under the rug until she forgot about it and they could have a normal relationship. Beast Boy returned wearing a sad look and carrying not just her tea cup but a little brown leather bound book. She recognized that book. It was the one she'd been using for.....oh no.
"So I went into your room and found your cup and I found this," he said referring to the book "And I know I shouldn't have read it but it said prank journal so you know how much I love a good prank so I read it." He said staring at the ground
"Look Beast Boy I'm sorry you were never supposed to see that." He didn't even acknowledge her words
"Was it all fake to you?" He muttered just loud enough to hear
"No I swear it started out that way but" he cut her off
"Was it all just a dumb prank a funny joke?"
"No I swear I" he stopped her once more 
"Ha ha really funny Raven. But I thought me had something real I thought when I felt something you were feeling something too. Was that all just a lie?" He didn't even give her time to answer this time "I showed you something secret. Something I'd never shown anyone before. A secret place that shows where I came from that I thought you were close enough to know about. Was that all part of your suck little scheme?" He still avoided her eyes as if looking into them would turn him to stone. "That kiss......" Raven could see a tear slide down his face as he spoke the words "Did that mean anything to you? Did it ever mean anything?" He now looked at her for the first time since her speech seemingly looking for a good reason to stay with her. He didn't seem to find one as he dropped the book down "Here you go Raven. I hope you enjoyed this prank and I hope you laugh till you can't breathe about making me a fool. Well more of one." He finished and with that he walked away without another word leaving Raven on the roof as she cried a single tear and spoke softly
"It did mean something to me."

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