Chapter 9

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Raven was feeling sorry for and simultaneously mad at her self for what had just happened. After the argument she had no idea where Beast Boy went. Everything has been sort of a blur as she picked up the book and the tea cup which, even is is anger, Beast Boy had placed gently on the ground. She remembered that next she went downstairs to put the stuff away almost robotically, as if her brain was still reeling from everything and was still trying to do normal things. To convince her self that everything was okay. That everything was normal. It wasn't. After that she has just left with no particular place in mind that she was going to. She just left. And now she was here on a park bench in a park by herself almost in tears over something that was just supposed to be a little prank. A little joke.
"I guess the jokes on me." Another voice spoke it just as she thought it. She turned to look best to her who could it be but Beast Boy sitting on a bench quite near to her. Or was clear that he didn't know she was there. They way Raven saw it she had three options. She could go over there and risk ruining things even further. She could stay as she was and risk being seen not on her own terms. Or she could leave and look like even more of a jerk than she already was. While trying to decide he walked over to her. A fourth option she'd not considered. She almost jumped but kept herself grounded. He spoke but Raven couldn't tell if it was to her or to himself.
"I don't even know why I came over here. This was stupid. I really hate myself right now." He avoided eye contact so well that Raven wasn't even sure if he even registered her presence. Just as she thought this he suddenly turned to her. "Do you know why I really hate myself?" He asked more like a statement than a question so Raven didn't answer. That seemed to be the right answer as he answered his own questioned. "I really hate myself because you did something to me that should make more angry than it does and even though I am mad," his eyes softened from where Raven was sitting "Even though I'm mad, I still love you. And I was I wasn't I wish my love had an on and off switch that I could turn. But it doesn't. I'm still as in love with as I was before I knew and I hate myself for that." He seemed to finished so Raven went over what she'd say. Before she could decide her mouth was slipping out words she didn't intend for it to.
"I.....I'm sorry." She apologized
"Sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?" He asked
"If you had asked me a few weeks ago I would have said sorry I got caught but now after all this," she paused to look at him and move her hand near his almost touching or but not quite. Not quite. "After all this? After spending time with me and being nice to me and feeling like we were close enough to share secrets too? I'm sorry I ever even thought about doing this to you. After all that I feel like scum of the earth for hurting you. And I feel horrible that you still like me because you should hate me. You should yell at me scream and tell me to jump of a cliff because that's what I deserve." She told him sadly still on the brink of tears.
"Well.....I'm sorry I can't I love you too much." There he went with that word again
"You don't have to say that,you,you me. I don't deserve it." She said softly 
"You do." He told her "You may think that you don't because you did something bad but everyone makes mistakes. And I still love you." He said. It was driving Raven insane the way he was still so kind to her after it all.
"Ugggggh stop! If you say you love me one more time I'm gonna....I might start to......I'll think that......I'll believe just for a second that....." Raven tears got the better of her as the sadness finally caught her and came rushing up like an old slowly cracking dam that had been behind her the entire conversation and was just now collapsing under its own weight releasing all of its waters with it. She cried and cried for what seemed like forever wishing she could just will herself to stop. To make it all go away. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't make it stop. That's made it hurt even more, that she was crying in front the person she was in love with that she had hurt and she couldn't make it stop. Through the sobs Raven seemed to speak. "I love you too." She said Beast Boy seemed shocked before scooping her up in a hug. " I don't deserve this," she said trying to push herself away "I hurt you." She told him he looked up at her
"I don't care. Because we're in love and that's all that matters." And so there they sat crying and hugging. And in love.

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