Chapter 28

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[ Last week of month 4 ]

"These are cute." Jungkook eye-smiled me with a giggle as he showed me a pair of baby sized nikes.

"I prefer Adidas." I joked.

"Oh, well in that case.. Baby Adidas shoes." He held up white Adidas shoes with pink stripes.

"Now that's adorable."

"What are you doing over here Mama-bear?" Taehyung asked as he wandered out of the maternity section of clothes.

"Oh we were just looking at these shoes." I answered.

"We gotta find you a new set of shirts and clothes." He grabbed my hand gently and lead me back into the maternity section.

"Wahh.." I whined and pretended to reach for Jungkook for help.

"I failed to save you~~" He slow motioned grabbed his heart in pain.

"Quit horsing around!" Hoseok held up Jungkook by his collar and brought hin back with the others.

"Here, this is cute." Andrea suggested, holding a stripped shirt to my chest with some strings to tie it up.

"It's ok." I shrugged.

"Come on~~ Work with me, I'm stressed out." Andrea tied her hair up into a ponytail and fanned herself.

"And I'm hungry." I frowned.

"Don't overeat or you're gonna make you and the baby fat!" She scolded.

"Fine.." I glared and looked away, pouting.

"...Warm smoothie later." I squealed and hugged her, but there was a gap between our hug sadly.

"Yum, I can taste it already--" I gasped at a sudden feeling in my stomach.

"What the fucking fuck?" I held my hand over my stomach and felt a sudden bump against my hand.

"Oh my lord, is it kicking already??" She squeaked and clapped her hands with a big smile on her face.

"Shit no, this is where hell starts.." I warned.

"It's so cute-- Move your hand, bitch, I wanna feel!" She slapped my hand away and put her hands against my stomach.

"You're such a hoe." I huffed as she gasped at the kicks.

"JUNGKOOK, CMERE YOU SHIT!" She called out to him, as he got startled by her demonic voice.

He came over to us hesitantly, almost worried something bad had happened.

"Get on your knees in front of her!" Andrea ordered.

He dropped onto his knees and stared up at me awkwardly.

"Now eat her!"

We both looked over at her and glared.

"I'm kidding. Feel her tum-tum." She giggled and crouched beside us.

Jungkook put his smooth, large hands onto my stomach and caressed it slowly.

"Oh." His lips spread into a smile as he looked up at me with a glowing look.

"God you guys look so pregnant." Andrea smiled.

"The hell?" I looked at her and made a weird face.

"I almost want a baby now... Planned, though." Yoongi chuckled at Andrea's joke as he approached her.

"This is so weird!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Hello~" He began talking to my stomach cringe-worthily.

I looked at Andrea with the look of Help on my face.

"I'm Appa." He stuttered and giggled.

"Okay, up, Mr. Jeon." Andrea came over and pulled him up as he whined.

"What else were you gonna say, you banged the baby's Mama?" She teased.

"No.." He stared at her.

"Can I get that smoothie please.." I whined.


"I'll take you." Jungkook interrupted Andrea while he put his arm around my waist and held my hand.

"Okay." I looked at her then him.

"What was that?" I asked once we sat down, sipping my smoothie.

"What was what?" He perked up after I said that to my frown.

"..We got into an argument earlier."


"Me fucking everything up for you." He lowered his eyes.


"She's right though, I'm holding you back. I feel like I just lost 20 years of my life because of a simple thing I couldn't do."

"Stop pitying yourself and face the fact we have a fucking baby to raise, Jungkook. Tell Andrea to mind her own shit and walk away. Easy as that. Don't start getting depressing on me now. It's not the time for that." My eyes rolled at the thought.

"Did you just say we're raising it?"

"Shut up, I didn't." I glared.

"Well, Carmela Camila, you should face the fact you love that baby." He smirked and wiped a bit of smoothie off my lip.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you--" I sipped my drink again.


"I have an ultrasound later."

"YOU FORGOT TO TELL ME ABOUT OUR FIRST ULTRASOUND?!" He stood up from his chair a little.

"Sit down, crazy. And actually, we could've had an ultrasound earlier in the weeks but I decided not to. But I changed my mind, and here we are." I shrugged casually.

He stared at me with dry eyes and a blank look.

"Don't look at me like that." Eyes were felt on me, eyes from the tables around us, staring to see the commotion.

"When is it?"

"..2 hours..."

"Let's go home!" He stood up and picked up my smoothie, then my arm to lead me out of the mall.


"You need your rest for your ultrasound!" His voice cracked of excitement. It was pretty adorable actually.


"Comfy?" He asks after patting my blankets down.

"Mmh." I nodded.

I had to watch him stand up from the side of my bed and walk away. His broad, strong shoulders and, well.. His bod' bro is peRfEct.

"Jungkook!" I sat up before he left.

"I know it's only 2:30.. But can you please sleep with me?"

"Last time we did that, a baby was created." He smirked and walked over to me, lifting my blankets then joining me after I scooted over.

"Sorry if I seem clingy lately. And I know it sounds cringe worthy and weird, but you kinda make me feel safe." I moved up to his chest as much as I could.

"..It's not weird." He answered. His voice vibrated through his body, sounding loud against my head.

"...I love you.." I said in a quiet voice.

"I heard you even if you tried to be quiet, Camila," I scoffed jokingly, "But, I love you too."

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