Chapter 31

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[Not written by HoSeokJin69, Stacey here ;) ]

"My boobs hurt.." I muttered and grabbed a towel, standing up then covering myself before Jungkook could see.

"Need help out?" He held his arms on the bath railing, preparing to stand up.

"Not with your dick flinging around, get a towel first." I held my hand over my vision so his crotch was censored.

"Sure, yeah ok.." He chuckled at my joke but little did he know.. I wasn't joking. No flingy.

"Here you go." He smiled at me.

But my eyes traveled to his legs. Man you should've seen it. You could see his thigh muscles defined by the white towel.

"Hot." I tilted my head a quick second and placed my hand into his as he helped me out of the tub safely.

"Sit." He placed me on the toilet seat and went to the cupboard for an extra towel.

My towel covered my private areas and lower back only, I only had time to put it around me, not to secure it.

"Here..." Jungkook began wiping water off of my arms and shoulders, moving to my back then chin.

He stared at me with passion transforming to sudden lust. His still lips curved to a sexual smirk as if he had a dirty fantasy playing out right in his head.

Before I could think of what could possibly happen next, his nose and lips pressed against my nick, forcing me to gasp at the very instant pleasure and tickling feeling.

"Jungkook.." I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as he let out warm air through his nose, his lips smacking against my neck.
Just when I thought he was done, his lips pursed against my skin, pressing his teeth against me and rolling his tongue over my skin. A quiet and low moan left my throat.

"....What are you doing?.." I asked, barely concentrating.

A smack of his lips echoed as he pulled away. So I shrugged it off, he wasn't doing it anymore so who cares.

No.. Not done yet? Breeze shrilled me as Jungkook spread apart my legs. The cold air threatening my wet skin.

"I can't help it." He said before diving in between my legs.

I wonder where Mrs. Jeon is? Hm. Do you think she knows he's into this kind of shit? Not that I'm against it or kinked along, I'm going with the flow is all. I'd rather the basic sex is all. But this is fine too, I guess. He's good at it. Somehow. Has he done it before? Or was it porn? I'll never know unless I ask, but.. No, that seems like a bother.
Oops, I think I just came.


"My hair's finally fuckin' dry. Took forever to air dry it." I groaned.

"Why didn't you just blow dry it?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't want hot things on my head." I huffed.

"All right, all right."

"How's your studying and job coming along?" I teased.

"Not far into it, I'll find a job next week. Studying's a little tough.. I'll get it." He assured.

"Okay..... What the.. Jungkook, what the fuck~~?" I whined in aggravation.

"What happened?... Oh, sorry, Camila." He sucked in some air and pressed his tongue against his cheek.

"A hickey?" I looked back at him like he knew better.

"Looks hot though." He shrugged and went back to his studying.

"Por qué estás tan loco?.." I rolled my eyes and fluffed my hair for any damp parts.


"Sweet thighs, can you go to the store for me to get me some stuff?" I sat up from my bed and set my laptop aside.

"Sweet th.. Sure, what do you need?" Jungkook asked.

"Aloe juice and a bag of Brussel sprouts."

"Brussel sprouts?.." He made a weird look.

"What? They're like mini-lettuce. Plus, I like them. I'll go with you if you wan--"

"No, I'll get your stuff. Lay down, I'll be right back." He stood up from my bedside and ran out of my room.

"I'm not weird." I told myself quietly.

Quickly, I grew bored. So half the time Jungkook was gone, I was Googling pregnancy shit and all. What? It's good to be prepared... Even if I wasn't beforehand.


"I'm back!!" I heard Jungkook thumping up the steps and thumping towards my bedroom door, soon busting in.

"Yay~~!" I twinkled my fingers as he came in, hinting I wanted the snacks.

"I'm starving~" I smiled widely and opened my snacks.

"My Eomma's making dinner for the three of us so we should be able go eat soon." He informed me.

"Sweet." I shoved a few Brussel sprouts into my mouth and opened my Aloe juice.

"What you looking at?" He looked over at the screen.

"Things about labor, birth, and babies. Nothing serious."

"You're doing good." He eye-smiled me with his mouth closed.

I sure hope I am.

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