Chapter 1

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Have a translator open. You will need it.

"We're leaving bells... I don't want you... Goodbye bells..."

I cried into daddy's chest as they walked in. It was them. The Cullen's. The people who left me and broke me. Daddy tightens his grip on me hearing me whimper. "Shhh Neonata" Daddy whispers. "What did you do to her!" Edward screeches. "We have done nothing boy." Daddy says narrowing his eyes at the vampire. I sigh contently as daddy continues to keep my calm by rubbing my back slowly. "Don't tell me you've done nothing. You've turned her into a complete zombie!" Alice screams. I whimper and daddy shushes me gently. "Ahh yes. That. We have not done anything to her. I would never lay a hand to my daughter.." Daddy smiles. I look up at him and smile back. "Daughter!" Rosalie screeches. "I knew it. You birch!" She screams. Then she is on the floor wiggling in pan. Jane walks into the light. "I highly suggest you do not insult my princess again. The results will be quite unfortunate for you." Jane says. Daddy tells her to stop and she does. "You've drained her of life!" Edward yells. "No. We have done quite the opposite. We have given it back to her." Daddy says and a cold hand rubs my back. I turn and reach out to caius. He gently takes me from daddys lap and I curl up in his lap. Uncle Marcus strokes my hair making me smile happily. "Please explain." Carlisle asks. Daddy sighs and looks over at me. I rest my hand on his cheek and nod sending a message to him"It wasn't your fault daddy." Daddy doesn't smile and that hurt me. "Very well. After your lot left. My poor Bella was raped. By a now dead vampire named Laurent. I arrived to alter to stop it. And found my Bella broken." Daddy sighs. I hug caius tighter and he rubs my cheek. "Raped! I left to Procter her!" Edward screams. "Well you fail." Caius hisses. I place my hand on his cheek. Both he and edward look at me. "I'm tired. Take me to bed." I whisper. Caius smiles and lifts me into his arms. I look over at daddy. "I will be there shortly." Daddy smiles after Look over at him. I nod and bury my face in caiuss shoulder. Caius takes me to my room and lays down with me. Gently stroking my hair. "Caius?" I whimper. "Yes my love?' Caius asks. "He's not gonna come in here is he?" I whimper. "No. Unless you allow him." Caius says. "No!" I cry. Caius shushes me gently. "Ok my queen. You have nothing to worry about. I will not let him near you." Caius whispers. I whimper and nod. "Promise?" I whimper. "Of corse mi Stella." Caius says making me smile. "Have I ever told I love it when talk in Italian?" I whisper. Caius smiles and laughs. I loved his laugh. "No. I think so." He whispers kissing my forehead. "I love you Caius." I whisper. Caius smiles and pulls me into his arms and holds me comfortingly. "Ti amo Mia Bella." Caius whispers. I smile. The door opens and daddy walks in. I kiss caiuss cheek. Daddy sits beside me and I lay my head in his lap. "Mi dispiace il mio bambino. Essi hanno insistito sul soggiorno. Ho fatto tutto quello che potevo. Non lascerò che da nessuna parte vicino a te che prometto neonata (I'm sorry my baby. They insisted on the living room. I did everything I could. I will not leave you anywhere near the. that I promise baby girl) " Daddy says.  Tears pour down my face. "Daddy." I whimper. Daddy rubs my back gentle. "Sono così dispiaciuto bambino. Avrei dovuto esserci. Ma sono stato uno sciocco (I'm so sorry baby. I should've been there. But I was a fool)" daddy sighs. "No daddy. It wasn't your fault. You saved me daddy." I whisper. Daddy gives a half smile. He gently strokes my hair and looks over at Caius. "trattare con loro. Sentitevi liberi di usare la forza exess. (Deal with them. Feel free to use exess force) " Daddy orders. Caius nods and kisses my forehead once more before running out. I can't help but giggle after daddy says this. I hug daddy tightly. "tomorrow Neonata we will train some more. Is that alright?" Daddy asks. I nod. "I'm hungry." I whisper. "I will get you something to eat." Daddy says. I smile my thanks. Daddy orders me my favorite. Fettuccine pasta with an array Of blood mixed in. With a side of fruit. I smile and eat my dinner. "Thanks daddy." I say. Daddy nods and runs quickly granting a book before returning to my side. Daddy chuckles seeing that I was drifting off. "Goodnight mia bambina " Daddy says kissing my forehead. I smile as daddy pulls the covers over me. "Night daddy." I yawn before drifting off to sleep.

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