Chapter 4

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"I miss you dad." I say shifting the phone in my hands. "I miss you to Neonata ." Dad says. "I'll be home soon." I say groaning slightly. "What's wrong bells?" Dad asks. Stupidly I tell him what happened with James. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! ISABELLA MARRIE YOUR COMING HOME RIGHT NOW!" Was the next thing I here. " Daddy calm down. I'm alright. I promise." I laugh. "You are a very bad lier." I hear Caius say. "Oh shut up Caius." I grumble. He laughs "But really I'm ok dad. I wanna finish the mission. Please." I beg. Daddy growls. "No. I want you on the next plane to Italy." Dad growls. I sigh. "You know I can't dad. I.... I'm in love with edward." I say. The next yell I here is Caiuss. "What!" He screams. I hear a loud crash followed by something breaking. I wince. "I'm sorry dad. I can't." I sigh. I run a hand over my face. "Bella I know what this means to you but your coming home." Dad says gently. "No daddy. I'm not. But until I'm done with this mission. I,Morris." I sigh. "Isabella." Dad warns. "No daddy." I say. "Isabella you will Ben mm hen next plane or i will send Felix and demitry." Dad threatens. "Go ahead." I say getting angry. "Do you not think I can do this dad?" I ask. "I know you can do this Bella but I need you here." Dad says in a raised voice. "And I need me here!" I say with my raised voice. "Isabella you will obey me!" Dad shouts. "No I won't!" I shout back. "I should have never had sent you there." Daddy shouts. "Obviously you couldn't handle it. I was wrong. Your to young. I'm coming to get you." Dad shouts. Tears fill my eyes. Then silence. "Bella-" I hang up and throw my phone. Breaking it. Then I collapse and cry.

Edward had come over after the party. And I knew something was wrong. He leads me into the forests. "We have to leave forks." Edward says. "Why?" I ask. "Carslies supposed to be ten years older then he looks. People are starting to notice." He says. My eyes widen. I start to freak. "Ok I- I've gotta think of something to say to Charlie." I say. The look on Edwards face made my heart sink. "When you say we?" I ask. "I mean my family and myself." Edward says. My heart sinks even more. "Edward what happened with jasper was. It's nothing." I try. "It was nothing. Nothing but what I always expected and nothing compared to what could have happened." Edward says. "You just don't belong in my world Bella." Edward says. I struggle to tell him he's wrong. "I-I belong with you." I say. Caius. Pops into my head. For some reason. "No. You don't." Edward says. "I'm coming!" I say. "Bella. I don't want you to come." Edward says. My heart shatters. "You don't---- want me?" I whimper. "No." He says. I take a step back. "This changes things. A lot." I whisper. I side toy wish daddy was here. I want Caius. To be in his arms. To have him rub my back. "But if it's not to much to asks can you just promise me something?" Edward asks. "Don't do anything reckless.for Charlie's sake. And I'll promise something to you in return. This is the last time you'll ever see me. I won't come back. And you can go on with your life. With out any interfeance. It'll be like I never existed." He says. Tears stream down my face. "If this is about my sole take it. I don't want it with out you!" I shout. How wrong I would be. "It's not about your sole. Your just not good for me." He says. My heart breaks again. "I'm just sorry I let this go on for so long." He says. "Goodbye." He says. I step back and trip hitting my head. I wince. Edward sighs before taking off. Then he was gone. Leaving me alone.

I finnaly had made my way back to the house and up to my room. But when I got there I froze. In my room. Waiting for me was laraunt. "Laurent. What are you doing here?" I ask suprised. I wipe my tears and Laurent grins. Then I am pinned to the wall. I cry out in pain and Laura t starts tearing my clothes of. "No! No please!" I cry fighting. But my half vampire strength was no match for him. He throws me across the room and shards from my broken phone embed themselves in my back. I scream. Lauren's eyes were black. I was terrified. And then. He rapes me. Violently.

I sobbed in a heap of a bloody mess. My ribs were broken. My arm. Leg ankle. And many more bone. I was in so much pain. A soft of fuzzy covered my Brian. I couldn't remember some things. Like what I was like. What it was like to be happy. Or joyful. I weakly crawl and manage to get my backup phone. I call daddy. "Daddy! Daddy!" I cry sobbing. "Isabella. What's wrongs. What's happened!" Daddy asks panicked. "He-He left me daddy. Then-Then he came... He-He..." I couldn't talk. Bella talk to me Neonata ." Daddy cries. "So tried daddy..." I whisper. "No Bella stay awake. Talk to me." Daddy cries. "Daddy?" I whimper. Yes Neonata Daddy whimpers. "I love you. I'm sorry. I-I should have listened. Tell Caius I'm sorry." I whisper. "No Bella. Bambino talk to me. Stay with me. I'm almost there." Daddy says. "It hurts so much daddy. It hurts!" I cry. "Just hand on Bella. I'm almost ther." Daddy pleads. "I-I can't daddy. I'm sorry...." I whisper before the phone falls out of my hand. Laraunt apperers and grins. I stare at him. I couldn't do anything. He slaps me and I cry out in pain everything hurt. It was then the venom. "I see you had fun. Shall we continue this party!" He asks. I weakly shake my head. Laraunt laughs and grabs me by my hair. I scream. And he slaps me. Before getting into of me. "No... Please!" I cry. Tears poured down my face. I had lost to much blood. Lauren growls the sent of the blood overwhelming him. I start sobbing. Then laraunt is tackled. By daddy. Blackness had started to cloud my vision. I could feel someone moving me. A cry of pain escapes me. Then I weakly hear daddys voice. "I'm so sorry bambino " "Stay with me Bella. Please!" Daddy shouts. He was running. "D-Daddy?..." I cough. "Yes my Neonata ." Daddy whimper holding me close. I could see him shaking from all the blood. "I-I love you." I whisper. Dad gently strokes my cheek and I lean into his hand. "I love you more my bambino." Daddy whimpers. "S-Shhh daddy.... I-It will... Be... Ok..." I choke out. I rest my head on daddys chest. I felt cold. Not like vampire cold. This was a different type of cold. It was... Death.... And then everything goes black.


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