Chapter 17

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It was then a dark look crosses over daddy's face. And I didn't have to guess why. "Where is he?" Caius smirks a evil smirk and lets daddy touch his hand. Daddy gives a feral growl pulling me into his arms and holding me close. "He will never touch you again bambino. It's time to end him." Caius smirks, cracking his knuckles before the three of us speed to the dungeons. Once there I could see him, having been tortured, with bits and pieces of him scatted about the cell. "Bella!" Edward screams once he sees me. Caius and daddy give a growl. "You will not speak to her!" I gently touch Caius's arm. It was ok. I didn't have to be afraid of him anymore. After everything he'd done to me, I realized I wasn't afraid. I was angry. "It's ok Caius. I'm ok." Caius hesitates but eventually nods stepping back. "I'm here Stella." I smile nodding at my mate. "I know. But I'm not afraid anymore. He can't, won't ever touch me again." Daddy smiles before turning his gaze to Edward. Said vampire winces at Hearing daddy's thoughts. "She's mine!" Edward roars making daddy hiss. "She was never yours to begin with boy. I should have had you hunted down from the moment you broke her heart. But don't fret. This is a mistake I will rectify right now." Daddy rips the cell door open intending to pounce but stops when I grip his hand. "No daddy. He's mine." Daddy smiles pressing a kiss to my head before stepping back, giving me a proud smile. I slowly turn my head to Edward and he gasps seeing my pulsing red eyes. "Oh my sweet Bella  what have they done to you! They've corrupted you, filled your head with lies." "No, the only thing my family has done, has ever done, is be there for me after you decide you knew what was best. I'm glad you left me Edward because even though I was raped, I wouldn't be who I am today if you hadn't. This is where you die. Any last works?" Edward tried to crawl forward on his one arm but fails being too weak. "Bella please I love you. You're my mate. We belong together!" Venom pooled in Edwards eyes as I observed the crazed look in his eyes. "Tsk tsk Edward. We were never mates, I let myself believed you cared to the point where I was going to leave my family. But the only thing you ever cared about was my blood. Goodbye Edward." Focusing I breath deeply wrapping my shield around Edward, pulling it in tighter and tighter, constricting Edward to the point where cracks deafeningly  filled the dungeon. Constricting him tighter and tighter, I could feel my strength going and i knew I was going to be exhausted after this. It was only seconds before all that was left of the mind reader was dust. Vampire dust covered every inch of the cell making me smile. It was over. He was gone. Releasing my shield I could feel my knees give out and arms are quick to catch me. Looking up, I smile tiredly at daddy. "You were wonderful bambino. Magnifico." Daddy brushes some hair away from my sweaty forehead and presses a kiss to my head. I could feel blood dripping down my nose and look over at Caius as he gently wipes it away. "Mi Stella." Caius smiles pressing his lips to head next. I smile and go to respond but am cut off by a yawn. "Bed please." Daddy chuckles and as the wind races by us I curl closer into daddy's chest. Stay with me daddy. Daddy smiles and lays down next to me as Caius sits on the edge of the bed gently stroking my hair. Uncle marcus quietly slipped in and sat next to Caius, whispering something into his ear. Caius frowns but nods. That was how I fell asleep, safe and protected by my family  

Aro's daughter: Isabella swanWhere stories live. Discover now