Chapter 8

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"Daddy?" I whimper gently gripping his hand. Daddy lets out a groan and slowly struggles to sit up. Me and Caius gently help him. Then I tackle daddy in a hug that makes him groan. "Daddy!" I sob. Daddy slowly rests his hand on the base of my head. "Brother? How do you feel?" Caius asks. Daddy's response is a groan. "Your human daddy." I cry into daddy's shoulder. Daddy winces before saying "I know bambino. Remember your promise." Daddy breaks out into a violent cough. I gently pat his back as daddy coughs up blood. "We can't brother. Because of your age Your dying. If we changed you now the effects of that witches power would carry over. You would still age until you died. Carlisle is working on a way to stop your aging. But for now there is nothing we can do." Caius says somberly. Daddy nods before gently and weakly lifting my chin. I look up and stare into daddy's blue eyes. "It (cough) It's alright neonata." Daddy says. I sniffle and hug daddy gently around his neck. Daddy weakly rubs my back and shushes me as I cry. "No it's not daddy. Your dying. Your mortal. I could lose you!" I sob. Caius gently rubs my back. Daddy coughs once more before sternly saying "No more crying bambino. I will be alright." Daddy gently squeezes me with what felt like all his strenght. But it wasn't very hard. I whimper and nod before laying down beside him and laying my head in his lap. Daddy gently brushes my cheek before he starts stroking my hair. Daddy lays back and closes his eyes breathing heavily while still stroking my hair. My phone in my pocket buzzes and I pull it out to see it was a message from Carlisle.

It read : When your father wakes up have him drink some fluids to keep his energy up. Preferably something with electrolytes.

I look over at Caius and show him the text. He nods. "I should have some sports drinks in my room." Caius nods before speeding out. I put my phone away before looking up at daddy. It was weird seeing him with blood in his system. He wasn't ice pale and he was warm to the touch. Just as I think that daddy shivers. I grab the covers and pull them over us. Daddy smiles weakly and his hand finds mine. I squeeze his hand gently. "Just rest daddy. You have to be ok. You just have to be." I whimper. "Shhh bambino..." Daddy whispers weakly. The door opens and I smile seeing it was uncle Marcus. "How is he?" He asks softly. Looking at me curled up with daddy. "He's not good Uncle Marcus. How's Jane and demetri" I ask. "The same." He says. I nod. Uncle Marcus domes over and sits beside me and dad. "Caius is getting him some fluids. Carlises orders." I say just as Caius runs back in. He comes over and sets the drinks down. I take one and open it. "Daddy?" I say gently squeezing his hand. Daddy weakly opens his eyes and looks over at me. "Here daddy. You need to drink this. To keep your strenght up." I say putting the bottle to his lips. Daddy drinks some of it and makes a face before swallowing. "That's... disgusting." Daddy whispers making uncle Marcus laugh. "I know daddy. But you have to keep your strenght up. We can get you some different flavors but for now this is it." I say as a few more tears slip down my face. Daddy weakly nods and drinks some more. "Brother." Uncle Marcus says after daddy had finished the drink. Daddy weakly turns to him. "Carlisle is on his way to America to get the drug that will stop your aging. But for now he has ordered you to remain in bed most of the day." Uncle Marcus says. Daddy nods and closes his eyes once more. Daddy was very weak. I could see it and I could feel it. I gently kiss daddy's cheek making him smile. "I'm sorry daddy." I say resting my head on his shoulder. "Not your fault bambino..." Daddy whispers. I nod into his shoulder and turn to uncle Marcus. "We will be back." He says. I nod and kiss Caius before they leave to deal with the traitor. Turning back to daddy I curl close to him and daddy weakly wraps his arm around my shoulder and gently rubs it. "Daddy can you hear any of my thoughts?" I ask lowering my shields. Daddy weakly takes my hand and waits before shaking his head. "No... Its silent." Daddy says. I nod and sigh. "What bambino?" Daddy asks. "What if when your changed back daddy. You don't get your gifts back. Or Jane or demetri?" I ask. "I don't know bambino." Daddy sighs with his eyes still closed. I whimper into daddy's shoulder. "Bella?" Comes Alice's voice. I turn and see her standing there. "Alice." I say. "How is he?" She asks. "He's not good Alice. He's dying." I sigh. Alice sighs. "What can you see..." Daddy mumbles weakly. "It's all jumbled up. I can't make anything out clearly aro." Alice says. Daddy nods weakly. "Let me know if anything changes Alice." I say. Alice nods before speeding off. I turn back to daddy. "Is there anything you need daddy. Anything I can do?" I ask squeezing his hand. Daddy weakly shakes his head before pausing. "I'm... thirsty?" Daddy says confused. My eyes widen slightly. "Daddy let me see your eyes." I say. Daddy slowly opens his eyes and I gasp. Daddy's eyes Were black. "Daddy your eyes!" I gasp. "What bambino. What's wrong?" Daddy asks trying to sit up. I gently make him stop. "Your eyes daddy. Their black!" I say. "How?" Daddy asks reaching up and grabbing his throat. "I don't know daddy. Does it burn?" I ask. Daddy nods wincing. "Like I am a newborn." Daddy says weakly. "This is crazy daddy." I say hugging him gently. Daddy weakly laughs and hugs me back. "I'll get you some blood daddy. And we'll see what happens." I say. Daddy nods and I help him sit up. Before I run to the kitchens and get daddy a pitcher of blood and a cup with a straw. I race back to daddy's room and pour him a glass. I pop the lid on before handing the cup to daddy. He take it before taking a small sip. A few moments go by before he greedily starts sucking down the blood. My eyes widen as I began Worry how this would effect his human systems. "Daddy slow down!" I say. Daddy ignores me and finishes sucking down the blood. I take the cup from him and pour him another glass. Almost before I had even got the lid on daddy had taken the cup from me and was sucking the blood down. "Daddy slow down. We don't know how this will effect you!" I say once more gently taking his hand. I had to be carful because you didn't mess with a vampire when they were feeding. Daddy finishes his second cup before turning to me. I gasp seeing his eyes were now a mix of red and blue. "How do you feel daddy. Is the burn gone?" I ask taking the cup from him. Daddy nods seeming stronger. But still weak. "I feel strong bambino." Daddy says. I smile and hug him gently. "This doesn't make any sense daddy." I sigh. "I know neonata." Daddy whispers. I help him lay back down before calling Carlisle and telling him what happened. He didn't understand it either. "I would hold off on drinking mass amounts of blood for now. Until we know how this will effect you aro." Carlisle says over the phone. Daddy sighs. "Very well..." I end the call with Carlisle before realizing we could get some answers. From the source. "Daddy. We don't have to guess we can just ask." I say. Daddy nods weakly before closing his eyes. I could tell he was tired so I pull the covers over him before kissing his cheek and turning off the lights. "I'll be back daddy." I say. Daddy nods weakly before I quietly walk out.

Aro's daughter: Isabella swanWhere stories live. Discover now