Chapter 7

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"What!" I screech. Daddy sighs rubbing his eyes. A habit he had picked up from me "There is a vampire wth the power to change a vampire back into a human." Daddy says. Tears fill my eyes. "And she's after you?" I ask. Daddy sighs and pulls me close. "Yes mi bambino. Im sorry." Daddy says rubbing my back. I shake slightly from anger. My powers swirled around me in a black inky mist. Like Alec's powers but thicker. "Shhhh bambino. Control your gifts." Daddy says. I bury my face in his chest. "You'll stop her right. You'll send demitry or Felix?" I ask. Daddy sighs. "We must plan this out. I cannot just take action like other times. This vampire is different. One touch and a vampire becomes mortal." Daddy sighs. He gently begins stroking my hair. "Daddy you just do something. She'll kill you!" I cry. Daddy pills me close to his chest and shushes me. "Jo she will not bamino." Daddy says. "But what if she does get to you daddy. What then? You'll be human?" I ask d addy sighs then takes my hand. "If. She does get to me mi bamino. Then I want you to turn me." Daddy says. I hug daddy tightly around his neck and let my tears flow. Daddy rubs my back. "But I-" "No Isabella. This is a treath like we have never faced. And if I fail. Then I am counting on you Neonata." Daddy says. I sniffle and nod. Daddy nods and hugs me close. I nuzzle my fave into his neck. "Come bambino. Caius and Marcus are waiting." Daddy says. I don't move. Daddy smiles slightly and picks me up into his arms. Then dashes to the library. Once there Caius and uncle Marcus look up. "Aro. How did she take it?" Uncle Marcus asks. Daddy gives him a glare. "How do you think brother?" Daddy growls. Daddy lays me down and covers me with a blanket. He gently strokes my hair once before turning to uncle Marcus and Caius. Caius comes over and sits beside me. I lay my head in his lap. "Speak to me. Mi Stella." Caius whispers. I hug him tightly. "I don't want you in the fight. I want to have to turn you to." I whisper. Caiuss eyes widen. "You told her to turn you Aro!" He shouts. Daddy winces. "Caius love. Please. Don't be mad at daddy. He trusts me." I say. Caius sighs and nods. "Same with you uncle Marcus." I whisper. Uncle Marcus nods. "What do you propose we do Aro?" Caius asks gently stroking my hair. Daddy sighs. "For the first time. I have no idea." Daddy says. i get up and hug daddy tightly. Daddy shushes me and rubs my back. "Shhh bambino. I will be ok." Daddy says. I lay my head on his chest. A knock on the door can be heard then Jane walks in. "Master. She's coming. Felix and demitry are waiting for her." Jane says. Daddy growls and nods. " Bambino. You need to know her power will not work on you." Daddy says. I nod and grip him tighter. "Jane." Daddy says. "Yes master?" Jane asks. "Do not hold back on your gifts." Daddy says. "Yes master." She says. Fighting can be heard and I whimper. "She's close ." Daddy growls. He pushes me behind him. Then the door flys open. A female brunet stood there. The look in her red eyes made me whimper. She growls at me and daddy. I place my shield over me and daddy as well as caius. The female drops demitri and I watch as color flows across his skin. " tri!" I cry as he groans in pain. He looks over at me and I gasp. His eyes were a dull grey. " stay back!" Jane growls. The woman laughs at her and runs forward throwing Jane aside. "Jane!" I cry. She collapses. "So this is the princess is it?" The woman growls. "Stay away from her!" Daddy growls. "No need. You are the one I am after. You murdered my father and left me to die. Now you will die!" She screams. My heart races. "Daddy." I whimper. Daddy shushes me gently and caius takes me from him. I bury my face in my mates neck and cry. I could hear the woman charge daddy. "Daddy no!" I scream. I watch in horror as the woman grabs daddy's neck and throws him across the room. Daddy hits the wall and doesn't move. Slowly color flows across his face. "Daddy!" I scream. The woman stops moving towards daddy. "Aro?" Uncle Marcus asks helping daddy up. "Leave him!" The woman growls. "No!" I say getting angry. U start shaking. "Stay away from him!" I shout grabbing the woman's neck. The woman grasps at my hands. Her eyes wide with fear. I use my powers and burn her neck. She cries out in pain. "You bitch." I growl. "H-How?" She chokes out. I squeeze harder. "I'm a shield. Your powers don't work on me!" I growl. I slam the woman into the grown. Cracking the marble. I throw her into the wall. Daddy's groan reaches my ears only filing my anger. I rip the woman's arms off and burn them. She screams in pain "you will suffer for what you have done." I growl. Caius freezes her and I run to my father. I hug him gently. "You arm is broken daddy." I whimper. Daddy groans and grips my hand. Caius takes his arm. His eyes glow and his runs his hand over daddy's injured arm. " I'll have to set it." Caius sighs. Uncle Marcus rubs my back and soon Caius sets daddy's arm. "Daddy?" I ask gently taking daddy's hand. "Bambino..." Daddy whispers. I squeeze daddy's hand gently. "I'm here daddy." I say with tears. Daddy slowly opens his eyes and I gasp. Daddy's eyes were a deep blue. "Daddy..." I whisper. Slowly Caius helps daddy sit up. Daddy's face was full of pain. "What... Happened?" Daddy asks squinting. "Am I...." I nod with tears. "Yes daddy. She changed you." I say. Daddy gasps and looks at his hands. "I'm... Human?" Daddy asks. I nod and bury my face in daddy's chest. Tears quickly soak his suit. Daddy grunts slightly and I loosen my grip on him. Daddy weakly struggles to stand. I support him. And wrap his arm around my neck. I meet caius's eyes and help daddy to the couch. "Get Carlisle." I say. Daddy leans his head back and pants weakly. "Bella..." Daddy whispers. I shush him and rub his hand gently. "I'll change you daddy. I promise." Say hugging him and burying my face in his shoulder. Daddy smiles weakly before he coughs up blood. "Uncle Marcus!" I scream as daddy blacks out. He comes running with Carlisle. Caius gently squeezes my hand and I smile weakly at him. Carlisle examines daddy before signing. "Well!., I scream with tears making Caius wince. "He's dying Bella." Carlisle says. "No!" I scream. Caius pulls me into his chest as I cry. "Because of aros age his human metabolism is running five times faster then a normal humans. He is aging faster then any human on earth." Carlisle says. I scream into my mates chest. "We need to change him. Now." Uncle Marcus says rolling up daddy's sleeve. "No. Wait." Carlisle says. "If you change him now. He would still age. Because of the power that was used on him. We need to wait until I can get a special drug used to treat a human disease call progeria. It should slow his aging enough that we can change him. The same thing goes for everyone else who was changed." Carlisle says. "How long?" I sob. Caius gently strokes my hair. "A week at the most." Carlisle says. "Does he have that long?" Caius asks still stroking my hair. Carlisle sighs. "I don't know. But it's our best hope. I'll leave now." He says. Uncle Marcus nods and escorts him out. "Caius. What are we going to do!" I sob. Caius shushes me and gently makes me look up at him. "It will be alright cara Mia. I promise." Caius says gently kissing me. I slowly nod kissing him back. Caius then pulls away and picks daddy up in his arms before me and Caius run to daddy's room. Caius gently sets daddy down on his bed. Why daddy had a bed when he didn't sleep I didn't know. "Caius when will he wake up!" I cry. Caius shushes me gently. "Any minute. His heart rate says that." Caius says. I scramble over to daddy's side and watch as daddy slowly opens his ice blue eyes.  

Aro's daughter: Isabella swanWhere stories live. Discover now