Chapter 14

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That's Marcus, I just founds this on the net  so it's not mine.

"Daddy?" I whisper with tears. "Bella......." Daddy chokes out. His eyes widen and fill with tears upon seeing the blood and cut on my face. "No.... No...." Daddy whispers slowly looking around. His eyes widen upon seeing Caius who was holding his shoulder in agony. "Daddy?" I ask softly once more. Daddy slowly looks back at me. "Bam.....bino.....I'!" Daddy chokes out his eyes filling with more tears. I move close as Caius weakly calls out for me to stop. Uncle Marcus growls at me to get back as well. "It's ok daddy. It's not your fault." I say slowly wrapping my arms around him. Uncle Marcus and the two Guards kept a hold of him just in case he lost control again. Daddy rests his face on my head and lets his tears flow. "Go..." daddy chokes out. "No! Daddy." I say. Daddy gives me a glare. "Go!...." he yells. Making me jump back. Caius growls and pulls me close to him. "Brother get her out of here. Now!" Uncle Marcus orders. Caius nods and pulls me to the door. I kept my eyes on daddy who looked broken. I grab Caius arm before he pulls me out. I help Caius to his office. Then I sit Caius down on his couch. "Caius!" I scream hugging him tightly. Caius groans but hugs me back. "Shh....Mia Stella..." Caius whispers panting in pain. I gently stroke his hair and kiss him. "Guards. Someone. I need blood. Now!" I scream as Caius leans his head back. After a few moments Santiago shows up with blood in a pitcher as well as a cup and gives it to me kneeling down. "Caius drink!" I say with tears after pouring some blood into the cup. Caius weakly lifts his head and drinks from the cup until the blood is gone. I set the cup down before turning back to Caius. "Bells..." Caius says reach up and stroking my bloodied face. I lean into his hand with tears streaming down my face. Santiago takes Caius severed arm and begins the long painful process of reattaching it. Caius grunts in pain and pulls me closer with his only arm. I bury my face in my loves chest and let my tears flow. "Shhh...cara...Mia..." Caius whispers resting his head on mine. "It's....ok...." Caius whispers. "No Caius. It's not. I should have listened to you. You were right. I'm so sorry!" I cry. " right..." Caius whispers making look up at him. I stare into his red eyes. "'t....there.....he....wouldn't....have...stopped..." Caius whispers before letting out another groan of pain. "Caius this is, all my fault!" I cry hugging him tighter. Caius shushes me gently. "Shhh...I'll be....alright." Caius says pressing his lips to my head. I look up and raise a hand to his cheek. Caius smiles, despite his pain, and leans into my hand. After Santiago finishes setting Caius arm so it would heal Caius dismisses him to go. Leaving us alone. I curl up against Caius who rests his head on mine. I could tell Caius was in pain, after all he did have his arm ripped off. "Caius?" I whisper. Caius hums softly gripping me tighter. "I want to change him. I promised him I would. Please." I beg. Caius sighs before slowly nodding. "Carlisle...will soon...within hours." Caius mumbles. I nod into his chest making him chuckle. "Thank you Caius." I whisper. Caius nods pulling me closer. "Four me....and Marcus." Caius says. I nod leaning up to kiss him. Caius smiles and kisses me back. "Agreed." I say. Caius nods just as uncle Marcus walks in. I shoot up. "How is he?" I ask. Uncle Marcus sighs hugging me tightly. "You could have been killed bella. What the hell were you thinking!" Uncle Marcus shouts. Caius growls weakly at him. "I'm sorry uncle Marcus. How is he?" I ask again. Uncle Marcus sighs. "We had to chain him to the bed. After you left he completely lost control. He broke four ribs during the struggle." He says making me gasp. "You are to go nowhere near him until he is changed. I won't risk it bella." He says. Tears fill my eyes. "I have to change him uncle Marcus. Please!" I beg. "No! He nearly killed you bella. Don't you understand that." Uncle Marcus shouts. "But he didn't. Please. Uncle Marcus I made him a promise. I have to!" I cry. Uncle Marcus sighs pulling me into a hug. He holds me close thinking. After a few moments of silence uncle Marcus makes me meet his eyes. "If I let you do this. You must let four of us hold him down. I won't risk your life again." Uncle Marcus sighs. I nod hugging him tightly. "Ok." I whisper. Uncle Marcus sighs nodding before turning to Caius. "Brother how do you feel?" He ask. Caius growls at him making me giggle. Caius gives a smile hearing my laugh. Uncle Marcus gives a smile before getting some things to clean my face. Caius holds me as uncle Marcus cleans my cuts because it burned badly. As I whimper slightly as uncle Marcus dabs the cut above my eyebrow, Caius tightens his grip on me. "Shhh...Stella...." caius whispers. He gently starts stroking me hair as my cuts get cleaned and I lean into his hand, making uncle Marcus glare slightly but chuckle. "Stay still piccolo." Uncle Marcus says gently. "But it burns!" I wine making Caius chuckle once more. He gently kisses my head before holding me still so uncle Marcus could finish. Once uncle Marcus was done he pulls me into a hug and sighs deeply. "I see so much of your mother in piccolo." He whispers. I smile sadly and look up at him. "Do you miss her uncle Marcus?" I asks. "I think we all do piccolo. I see your father miss her everyday." He says. I sigh sadly. "And aunt di?" I ask softly. Uncle Marcus sighs. "More then anything." He whispers. I smile sadly once more and kiss uncle Marcus's cheek before going over to Caius. He pulls me into his arms and holds me close as uncle Marcus sits beside us. Just then Santiago walks in. We turn to him. "Masters. My lady. Carlisle is here."

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