Chapter 15

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"Stay here with Caius for now piccolino." Uncle Marcus says gently. I sigh and nod watching as he speeds away. I turn to Caius who smiles reaching for the pitcher. I stop him and pour him another glass before helping him sip it. I rest my head on his shoulder. Caius then slowly begins to move his arm. "Caius!" I worry making him chuckle. "Shhh Stella. I'm ok.... Caius whispers wrapping his arms around me. I curl close to him before stealing a sip of the blood. Caius smiles and kisses me gently on the nose making me laugh. I then help Caius out of his torn jacket and shirt and look at his shoulder. A scar going down his shoulder was the only sign he had been hurt. I rest my head on his bare chest making Caius chuckle. Caius calls for Santiago to bring him another shirt. After he brings the shirt I help Caius into it. Still worrying about his arm. After a while uncle Marcus comes back and me and him help Caius to his feet. We speed to daddy's room. As I walk in I could see an i.v hooked up to daddy's arm. As well as daddy's arms and legs chained to the bed like uncle Marcus had told me. Daddy looks over. "Brother...." he whispers not seeing me hiding behind Caius. "I'm...sorry..." daddy whispers. Caius nods to him before moving so daddy could see me. Daddy's eyes widen. "No....get...her....away...." Daddy weakly orders. Slowly I go over to him and sit beside him. "It's ok daddy. I trust you." I say. "No..." Daddy protests. I shush him gently. "It's ok." I repeat slowly laying down beside him. Daddy breathes deeply before slowly hugging me close. "I'" Daddy whispers. "Shhh daddy it's ok. It wasn't your fault!" I protest. Daddy sighs and I meet his eyes before gently kissing his cheek. "How do you feel daddy?" I ask. "I'm....ok....bam...bino..." Daddy responds. I sigh sadly and kiss daddy's wrinkled cheek once more. Daddy lets out a painful sounding cough and coughs up a lot of blood. But only this time he couldn't stop coughing. Daddy coughs leaning his head back as I grip his hand tightly. "Daddy?" I worry. And daddy finally manages to stop coughing. He weakly looks over at me. And he could barley keep his eyes open. "Bam...bino...." daddy whispers. I shush him and rest my head on his chest . Carlisle then walks in. "The drip is working. His aging has slowed. Listen to his heart." Carlisle says. My eyes widen as well as I hear daddy's heart starting to beat erraticly as daddy grips his chest while coughing. I nod and turn back to daddy. "I made you a promise daddy. Your going to be ok." I say hugging daddy once more. Daddy hugs me back weakly before letting me go. then daddy leans his head back. my eyes widen as daddy begins to struggle to breath. "Change him now!" Carlisle says. Daddy weakly meets my eyes before blackness consumes him. "No!" I cry gripping his hand tightly. Tears stream down my face as I gently take daddy's arm. "You can do this daddy!" I whisper. Before I sink my teeth into daddy's arm. I push all my venom into his veins as daddy begins to struggle. Still unconscious. But everyone holds him down. A few shouts of pain escape him making tears fill my eyes. But I had to keep going. Once I felt like I could push no more venom in I let go of daddy's arm. I turn to daddy and kiss his cheek gently. "It will be over soon daddy. I promise." I say. "Go change the others Marcus." Carlisle says checking daddy's pulse. Uncle Marcus leaves but said he would stay close in case anything happened. Then I ask "Were we to late!" . Carlisle shakes his head. "No. But had we waited any long we would have been." He says. I nod and turn to Caius who hugs me tightly. "He'll be ok cara Mia." Caius whispers stroking my hair. I nod whimpering slightly. "I won't leave him." I say. Caius smiles. "I know." He says. I sit down beside daddy and cut his arms and legs loose. Everyone but Caius leaves. Caius sits beside me and pulls me into his arms. I bury my face in his chest. "What if we didn't change him in time Caius!" I whimper. Caius shushes me gently. "Shhh Mia Stella. He'll be ok. Let the venom run its course." He whispers while gently stroking my hair. "I'm so worried Caius. He has to be ok!" I cry. Caius shushes me gently and presses my head to his chest. I cry softly into his chest. Caius holds me for hours as I cry softly in his arms. Finally upon seeing me struggle to keep my eyes open Caius grabs a blanket and pulls it over me. I smile at him before slowly letting my eyes close. 

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