Chapter 2: Prisoners escaped

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Welxie POV

When I arrive at the association. I was greeted by agents. In this association, people fear me not because I'm the heiress or my uncle is the head of the association but because they know what I can do to them. So they try not to get in my bad side.

"Agent Walker, the head is calling you" Agent Jones said. He is one of Uncles college friends but I simply call him uncle too, since he is also like family to me and my best friends.

"Yes uncle Jones" I said sprinting towards Uncle's office.

Two bulky men open the doors to his office. There I saw my best friends sitting on the sofa looking......


I sat on the middle of the two of them creating a barrier. The two avoided my eye contact and continue to look at the floor.

The tension of the room was thick so me being well me decided to cut the tension.

"So... who died so I could also mourn for our loss?" I said.

"No one died Welx" Ava whispered still not looking at my eyes.

"Okey since no one died. Whats with the atmosphere? I swear this could pollute our environment." I grin.

Then my Uncle walk in with a folder in his hand. He gave us a weak smile before sitting in his chair.

Okey something is really wrong. Why is everyone so gloomy.

"OKEY WHATS UP GUYS?!" I rise from my seat while putting my right hand on my hips looking so annoyed.

I tap my foot and gave my uncle a hard glare.

He gave me a sigh before dropping the whole mega bomb into my head.

"Ryan escaped"





"what?" I said not believing what I just heard. Ryan and his gang are one of our enemies. We defeated them a lot of times but it took hard work.

This guy is a complete lunatic.

I turn to Ava and Juliana. They both gave me a worried look. I look at them for a second before giving them a nod. They both stood up and gave our Uncle a look.

"Uncle can you track him down?" Juliana ask. Hope was in her eyes.

" We are doing everything we can to track him down. For now all you guys have to do is wait. We will ring you guys if we found out more info. about their location" Uncle said facing his IMac one's again.

All three of us decided to go to the mall and shop for clothes and shoes. After an hour of shopping. We decided to take a break.

"So Ava when are we going to visit that resort of yours?" I ask Ava with a smirk plastered on my face while Juliana smiled grimly.

"Well Daddy thinks he needs models to advertise the resort and guess who he picked" Ava said while flipping her blonde hair.

Me and Juliana face each other before giving her an answer.

"YOU" Me and Juliana said at the same time.

"JINX" We both shouted bursting into fits of giggles.

"Actually not quite." Ava said.

"So who?" Juliana curiously ask.

"US!" She burst out.


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