Chapter 11- Man up!!

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Welxie POV

"Wake up"

I heard a little boy said in his soft voice. I open my eyes and saw Andre. "Hey did you sleep well?" I ask the little guy. He gave me a nod. "I wanted to snuggle with you more but its already late. Your parents might be worried and Agent Avary is already tipsy." He said while pointing at the drunk Avary.

I ruffled his hair and gave him a smile. I look at the opposite sofa and their lay a tired Juliana. She was actually drooling and snoring that made Andre giggle. "I thought girls aren't allowed to snore or droll." He walk over to Juliana and poke her face. She slapped Andre's hand and began to snuggle at the sofa. I grimly walk to her side and wake her peaceful slumber. I whispered to Andre my plan and he giggled.




"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!" Me and Andre scream. Her eyes flew open and she fell from the sofa.

"What the hell?!" She screamed at us while rubbing her ass.

Andre fell on the ground laughing at Juliana.

"I thought heiress agent allowed to swear!" He said in his fits of giggles.

"I swear this boy is going to be a playboy someday." Juliana murmured while rolling her eyes at the laughing Andre.

"Oh and Juliana, We got a problem." I said while pointing at the drunk Ava.

"Oh God!!! She look like a walking zombie!!!" Juliana remark as she went near Ava. "Hey, you okey?" She said in a low tone.

"Oww!! I'm bether  than okey!!! I'm Gweat!!!" She slurped. Oh boy, she cant even talk properly. "That's it we are taking you home!" Juliana sternly said like a strict parents does when they figure it out that their kid went to a bar.

"But mommy?!!!!" Ava whine like a little child.

"No buts!!!" Juliana said with authority in her voice. I swear she would be a great mother someday. We drag Ava to the sofa and force her to drink a glass of water.

What time is it.

I look at my phone and it was 7:48. I let out a sigh. "Whats taking them so long" I said. Then someone tug into my jacket.

"Umm you can go home. Ill just stay here." He said in his cute voice.

I shake my head and place him an my lap. "Juliana can you take Ava home. Ill stay here with Andre." I said looking at the drunk Ava.

"Are you sure?" She ask with a worried look in her eyes. I gave her an approving nod. She gave me and Andre a good bye hug. "You better behave" She sternly said to Andre. "Yes Mam!!" He said while smiling. She drag of Ava and left me and Andre alone in the big office.

"Why didn't you go with them?" He ask looking so adorable.

I carried him to the make shift kitchen and sat him on the island. "You would be alone." I said while making us dinner.

"But your family" he said in a low tone looking like he blame himself.

"Their in Thailand right now. So I'm fine spending time with you." I said while giving him some porridge. His face lit up like the fourth of July and began eating his food.

Then the door flew open revealing Uncle, Lili, and Mark.

"Seems like you have a lot of Patience." Lili said while giving me a smile. "Well, he is not like other kids. He is actually really behave." I said while ruffling Andre's hair.

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