Chapter 6- The Royal ball...... I think not....

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Welxie POV

We arrive at home safely. Well duh.... We did take the association's private jet. I said my good byes to Juliana and Ava since me and my brothers would be attending that damn ball. We hurried into the car and we were drop at home. Their we were greeted by the maids and Maria. Maria then ushered to my side giving me a tight hug. "Why haven't you answered our phone calls. Did you know that you parents organized a ball and you should have gotten ready an hour ago!!" She proclaimed. I hug her back and said "I'm sorry. We were mountain climbing and their was not reception." I should really become an actress. I might win an OSCAR for this. My brothers cough out loud to get Maria's attention. She gave them a confusing look before giving orders to the maids. They rush inside and prepare for our clothes for the ball. "Ill go to my room and get dressed." I said giving my brothers the shut-up-or-ill-get-my-gun-and-shoot-you-look. They gave me a wink before proceeding to their room to get dressed. I look at my gown that was color blue and was match up with my Black five inch heels. I put them on and Maria curled my hair on the tips and applied make up but not too heavy since I don't like my face to be caked.

I look at myself in the mirror and went downstairs sine I am contented with my look. Lets just say I'm a big believer in the saying "Simplicity is beauty".

I walk downstairs and saw my beloved brothers pacing on the lounge. I cough out loud and their heads snap at my direction.

"Well, baby sis you look beautiful tonight." Drake said while put out his hands. Drake escorted my inside the car while my two other brothers followed. Okey something is really up. I mean my brothers are reckless just because of this ball. "Guys its going to be alright. Look at you, You guys are sweating." I gave them a tissue box and mouth a thank you at me.

We arrive at the luxurious hotel that is owned by my parents close friend. So it like a get together ball. We walk into the ballroom like a "boss". I held my head high and walk with a smile. I look around and found my lovely parents talking to Mr. and Mrs Black. The owner of the hotel. "Lets get this party started" I mumbled in my breath.

Me and my brothers walk to our parents. "Ahhh my gorgeous princess has arrive!" My daddy exclaimed making Mr. and Mrs Black laugh. Yes, I'm a daddy's girl. Mrs. Black gave me a bone crushing hug. "My, you have grown beautifully child" She chirped. I gave her a smile and return the hug. Then her husband grab her waist and said "Yes, she blossom into a beautiful young lady fit for a heiress." I scoffed. Yea right if only you guys know. At the same time my brothers snickered. I nudge my elbow into Ladens stomach then he ommff sound. Thank the heaven that they shut up. "Ahh Adam, Drake, and Laden. Hows the company coming along?" Mr. Black ask my brothers. "Well all is well except for this ball." Adam mumbled the last part. Well more like whispered. "Come now, we will start the whole announcement in five minutes." My mom gestured us to the long table. Oh this is great. Just great. I wonder what the announcement about now.

My brothers were rubbing their palm on their pants. And Adam is completely sweating. I cant believe that my brothers are nervous because of a simple ball. I mean what the hell. We were trained to act as proper heir and heiress whether their is a ball, a tea party, a meeting, or those self centered rich snobby idiots, who throws a damn party just to show off their expensive this or expensive that.

Ugh.... To hell to this ball. I want this ball to finish fast. And I want it to finish now.

My Mom and Dad stood up from their seats and then followed Mr. Black and his wife on stage.

My Dad grab the mic and began this so called announcement.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." My dad said "I'm sure you guys are asking on why we have this ball. We have this ball in honor of my sons success in the business empire. but this ball is also for the birth of a new empire. The Black Coop. and the Walker Coop. shall be UNITED."

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