Fun fact #8: French Fries were made in Belgium
Jimei sat at the table with the job application in hand. She stared at the paper, then to the pen in her hand.
"ORIBIA HOW DO I WORK THIS THING?!" She whined and held the pen in front of Oribia. Oribia gave her a "srsly" look and sighed,
"It's a pen and you click the top and write." Jimei did as Oribia instructed and started writing, until,
"WHERE'S THE AUTOCORRECT?!" She whined even louder then the first time. Oribia hit her head on the table, and refrained herself from stabbing Jimei with it.
"There. Is. No. Autocorrect!" Oribia clenched her hands into fist and slapped Jimei's hand.
"Hey!" Jimei whimpered, Oribia just took the paper and pen.
"Just tell me what to write." She ordered, and that's how Jimei's application go filled out.
HumorIt's a super random story about chicken and whatnot, the main character is Jimei Zong a Chinese girl who loves chicken and meets the chicken king! Also with fun facts! ;P