First Test

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Fun Fact #15: Haggis is the national dish of Scotland

"Uuuuuuugh! I hate you Oribia!!" Jimei cried, Oribia dragging to English. Jimei absolutely did NOT want to take her first test, her awful reading test. Oribia continued to drag the flailing Jimei to room 221, and tied her to her chair.

"Stay." Oribia ordered, while Jimei just grumbled. Oribia sat in her seat, and the horrid test began....

Ayyyyyyyyy Bois! So I just wanna apologize for not posting, but also let you know that WE ARE SO CLOSE TO 100 VIEWS!!!! So f we hit 100 by the end of this week, I'm thinking about starting a new book, and letting you guys vote on the genre!! LET'S DO THIS!!! \(>v<)/

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