Chapter 1: Quinn

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Quinn Hearts POV

If I was asked ten years ago to describe what my summer was like and what were my favorite things to do during summer, I would say, ". . . Summer is hot; it's tanning, having fun in the beach, eating ice cream, building sandcastles, etc.," Then probably I would say," My favorite things to do is going kayaking, surfing, and not having to wake up so damn early."

But of course, only my seven year old self would say that.

Then, right when I got into high school, I was recruited in this summer camp program. As a girl who loves school, I will definitely say 'yes' to that. It is a summer camp for scholars where scholars all around the states of American attend. I would not say it is summer school.

It is better than summer school. But wait- you must be cringing right now. Who even likes summer school, right? No one, obviously. But Scholar Camp is something else.

Not only Scholars meet new people, connect, share, and experience a lot of things, but before the camp finishes for the summer, groups are to compete against each other in a scholar challenge. Whoever wins will win $5000 per person in the group and a lunch with the founder of the camp.

It's Monday. You might have not guessed it yet but it is the first day of senior year for me. The only reason I am happy on this day is because I finally purchased my dream car- well my second option. I mean I still couldn't afford my actual dream car. It will just have to wait.

"I'm guessing you won again?" questions a very familiar voice. Pushing off from the hood of my car, I take a step closer to the guy who was already a couple of feet in front of me. With his newly fresh cut, he wore the school's baseball cap on his head. His hazel eyes bore into mine as he smiled at me, showing his straight white teeth.

"Three times in a row, baby," I chimed cheerfully. I tip-toed and slung my arms around his neck. He hugs me back before we both pulled away.

"Was she in your team or what? How badly did she take it?" he asked me. We both lean back on the hood of my car.

I shrugged, "I don't know. She wasn't there. Thank Gosh." I smirked at the end. "But, how'd you guess I won?"

He gives me a dull look. "I'm not stupid or blind, Q," he starts," I see option number two car, the car we are both clearly leaning on, idiot." He smirked back.

Then I blushed. Boy, this boy makes me feel so many feelings that I do not even know what kind of feeling they are.

There was no point in hiding it though. Eric Sanders clearly knows that I have a huge crush on him. Before freshmen year could even be over, he already knew.

Besides, who wouldn't? Eric Sanders was a class-A hottie. He has those mesmerizing eyes and having hazel colored eyes has its advantages as well. He was the school's captain and quarterback of the football team. He obviously has many friends and obviously has many followers.

Note: There is a difference between friends and followers.

Eric had the best quality and has the best heart. He was no bully. He was no asshole. He was a gentleman. He is the kindest person you will ever meet. He's funny. He's athletic. He's smart.

Physically speaking, he has no flaws. Personality speaking, also no flaws. Rationally speaking, he is friends with Nicole North.

And speaking of- there she comes now, coming to take Eric away from me. Because it is a Monday, the first day of senior year and so far was a nice morning, I will let her take Eric easily.

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