Chapter 53: QUINN

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Quinn's POV

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Quinn's POV

I was so busy on trying to fix and worry about everything else around me that I have forgotten about prom. I didn't have a date yet and prom night is tomorrow. A lot of things have changed for the past weeks. I think even Ashley and Clara have changed their dresses just yesterday, which means I think they've also changed their prom dates. Lucky for them, it was easy for them to find a date last minute.

I do have my dress. The girls and I bought it awhile back. I just wish it still fits.

"Ryan!" I said as soon as I see him enter my house.

"What's up?" he asked. I looked around to see my parents at the living room and Quince and Ian were in the kitchen so I gestured Ryan to follow me upstairs.

"Great!" Nicole said as soon as we entered my room. I saw the look on her face and I knew I had to beat her to it.

"You're my date for prom," Nicole and I say unison and then we quickly glare at each other.

"I already have a date," Ryan muttered, which has Nicole's and my head snap back at him. "His name is Tyler Webber." My head jolted back at the news, surprised a bit. Why does that name sound familiar?

"Great, I'm dateless," Nicole groaned, falling flat on my bed.

"Same here," I muttered.

"Take each other, fool," Ryan chuckles, taking a seat on my vanity chair. Nicole and I throw a look at each other again.

"Our dresses don't match," Nicole complains.

"Ugh, girls. I can never understand you all, which is why I am into guys," Ryan mumbled. Nicole and I exchange looks once again before laughing.

If any of you are wondering who the Eric Sanders would be taking, it's Clara. It just wouldn't feel right if he takes one of us, you know? Even Ashley and Clara already have dates. I think Ashley is going with Wesley. I don't even know how the hell he got Ashley to say 'yes.'

"Ask any guy in school. I'm sure they will say 'yes," Ryan said. But I've already tried. I bet Nicole have too. Most of them already have dates and others are not going, even if I bribed them that I will buy their tickets and my own corsage and their boutonniere.

"Or why not just go with your own brother? Y'all good, right?" Ryan suggested.

"Just as long as he doesn't come near me, I'm good. I don't need any more of his begging for forgiveness," Nicole muttered.

"Then, that means he's going to be there. I definitely don't want to see his face," I mumbled to myself.

"Like it or not girls, you all are attached to each other," Ryan informs us. "Even before you all were born." I hate to admit it, but it's true. Before we were even born, our parents already did something that will tie our lives all together. No matter what I do. There will always be a time we'd have to play get along with each other.

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