Chapter 1: Evangeline Rose

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Evangeline POV

I am Evangeline Maria Rose, Most of my friends call me Angie for short. I am 16 years old and I am currently living in the kingdom of Valcrestria in a small house on the edge of the kingdom.I live with my humble mother Jenny Rose and my hard working father George Rose. I also have a sister called Amethyst. She is 8 years older than me.

I dare to say we are happy but in truth we are not. My mother is sick, she has been since I was born as far as I can remember. She cannot work which means my father has to do all the labor work so we can eat. Yes that is right we are poor, so poor our house has only 3 rooms. You may be wondering why doesn't my sister work if she is now 24? Truth is she doesn't live with us anymore. After she finished school she went on to be a successful business woman in a far away land. I have no clue where she is, I have not seen her since she graduated 8 years ago.

I go to school in the center of the kingdom.I have one friend. Her name is Amelia Thorns. The other kids pick on me alot to the point where it is impossible to go around a hallway without being kicked or spat on. I have to put up with it. My worst bully has to be this one jerk named Chad. Hes horrible and his brother is no better. His brother went to school with my sister. His name is Brad, Its a stupid name anyways.

His brother hates my family and so does Brad. They go out of their way to make our lives a living hell. It really sucks being me. The popular girls join in with his gang of bullies and continue to pull at my dirty blonde hair. You might think dirty blonde is a nice color. I mean dirty blonde as in its dirty. I work alot so I can help pay for my moms medical bills.

I try to help her in anyway I can. My sister doesn't care or she would have returned to help. She never used to have many friends when she was at school. Mostly because everyone picked on her best friend at the time. This was no ordinary friend though. His name was Aston Valcrest. He was no ordinary boy either. He was the prince at that time. He is now the king. My sister and him were great friends but no one has ever heard of him in 8 years.

Most of the villagers think he hides in his castle. My mother blames him for the poor people. Apparently he is the reason we are so poor and un-wealthy. She says he couldn't make a good rule to save his life yet he was the one who started the new revolution that helps us get more produce from neighboring kingdoms. My parents would happily join in on a take over.The king never goes out to greet people. I wonder why sometimes but dismiss it as it is not my place to think of why. Im just a peasant anyways what do I have in common with a wealthy snob?

I have recently gotten fired from my previous job.I never liked it anyways. Who wants to work on a pig farm? Not me.I got fired for being clumsy. Its one of my many flaws. My mother doesn't care she normally says that I shouldn't be working but enjoying my youth instead. One question, how can I enjoy my youth if we have no money and my mother without medical help will die? I need to work and help her. Its my only chance to prove im not weak or clumsy. I will find a job and make things right.

I already have a plan.I am going to move to the center of Valcrestria and find a good paying job.Then all the money I will make I shall send to my mother. But I will need a job where I also work for my room and food otherwise sending the money I need to pay rent would be stupid and pointless. Its time to make a change because I can do anything I put my mind to!

Look out world, here I come.

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