Chapter 4: The Scroll Boy

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Evangeline moved into the servants chambers. Not many workers were there. They must not have many people to clean. She was given a maids outfit and washed before Trisha who also was a maid gave her a work plan.

"Ok so today your going to just go around the hallways and clean, dust, wash and do the usual maid stuff." Trisha pointed to the West hall on the map of the castle.

"Okay." Evangeline nodded as she grabbed the cleaning supplies and made her way to the West hallway.

Evangeline was repulsed by the state of the hallways.tat were dark and covered in a thick blanked of muck and dirt. "Oh wow." She uttered placing the bucket of soapy water near her foot.

"Ive got alot of work to do." She sighed.

Evangeline grabbed the mop and began to do the floor until you could see your reflection it it.Even if she had to get down on all fours to clean the grime by hand. Satisfied she then worked on dusting the table and pictures in the hallway. After than she cleaned everything by hand and sprayed with water.

It took her 2 hours but she was done making it sparkling clean. Completely happy with her work she dusted her hands and picked up the metal bucket and quickly made her way to the end of the hallway to then make a sharp turn that would hopefully take her back to the servants chambers.

When Evangeline turned the corner she suddenly fell on the floor.

"oof." She groaned as she hit the marble floor that was just cleaned.

"Ahh!" A voice yelped before they too fell on the floor. Evangeline rubbed her head and looked up. It appears she had bumped into a boy who was also walking around the corner.

She had spilled the dirty water all over the floor. The boy had flawless skin, a white shirt and normal pants on paired with black shoes. His hair was a light brown and his eyes were a deep doe brown. They sparkled in the light. He rubbed his bottom before looking at Evangeline who was awe struck by his handsomely features.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" She snapped out of her thoughts and scrambled to the floor and picked up the rags before standing up.

"I-Its fine really I should have payed more attention to where I was going."He replied.

His voice was smooth and deep. It sent shivers up Evangeline's spine. She helped him up and bent down to grab what he was carrying.

She handed him the scrolls and smiled.

"Thanks, erm." He looked at her confused.

"Evangeline Rose." Evangeline held out her free hand.

He shook it smiling charmingly. "My name is er Ash." He blushed slightly. "I haven't seen you around before." He spoke quickly as if he was nervous.

"Oh im er new, Trisha gave me a job so I can earn money." She shrugged.

"Oh thats nice of her." He replied looking away.

"Yeah, even though she hired me on the spot."

"She tends to do that heh." Ash was quick to reply to that.

"No interview needed? Really? Wouldn't they want a background check." Evangeline asked to herself.

"Well yeah but they trust Trisha, She is the head maid after all." Ash answered her.

"But what if I was a murderer? I could be anyone as far as she knows!" Evangeline laughed.

Ash laughed at her remark and sighed. "No the King trusts her judgement so She can pick anyone plus she complained about lack of help and stuff..."His voice drifted off.

Ash struggled to hold the scrolls he was carrying before quickly mumbling. "Hey erm Ill cya around bye Evangeline." He stuttered.

"Bye, and call me Angie its way easier!" She yelled after him.He turned and grinned at her in a playful way. Evangeline couldn't help but smile back.

She wiped up the water she spilled and hurried to the chambers where Trisha was waiting for her.

"What took you so long!?" She asked smirking.

"Oh I bumped into someone, sorry." Evangeline replied pouring the water down the metal sink.

"Oh who did you knock down?" Trisha grinned crossing her arms.

"Name was Ash." Evangeline replied.

"ASH!?" Trisha screamed.


"Do you know who he is!?" The brunette asked her as if she was dumb.

"No...Who is he?" Evangeline asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nobody, its fine just some snitch from the higher ranks." She muttered quickly.

"He seemed alright to me."

"Thats what he wants you to think." The other maid replied folding some blankets and placing them in the basket.

"He said your the head maid." The blonde stated.

"Yeah, I am.Im the one who does the important maid stuff."

"Like?" Evangeline was curious to know.

"I dont know, wake the King up? Get him dressed and make sure every one of my maids is happy!" She smirked at the new employee.

"He did say the king trusts you..."Evangeline mumbled to herself.

"Yeah, wait Angie do you even know what the King looks like?" Trisha asked crossing her arms sassily.

"Nope." Was the answer.

"Oh my god" Trisha laughed face palming.

"He never goes out and my family doesn't really like him that much cause we're poor and they think he steals money and makes the poor be even poorer than they already are with his dumb rules." She answered looking at the tanned girl who had her mouth open in shock.

"Then why did you accept this job if you despise the king!?" Trisha squeaked.

"I need money to help my mom's medical bills or she will die!" Evangeline snapped.

Silence hit the room like an unwanted plague.

"Sorry I er dont like talking about it much." Evangeline sighed with an upset look plastered on her face.

"Its fine I get it, you want to help your family thats really sweet of you." Trisha hugged her new friend tightly.

"Thanks Trish."

"No problem Angie." She replied. "Anyways get to sleep we have a BIG day tomorrow! Im doing a routine check and your going to clean the East hallway!" Trisha snickered.

"Oh yay! I cant wait." Evangeline sighed with sarcasm and rolled her eyes.

"Night Angie." Trisha said turning over in her bed.

"Goodnight Trisha." Evangeline replied blowing out the candle that made the room get consumed in darkness.

Evangeline began to wonder about the boy she met earlier that day and why was she so attracted to him?

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