Chapter 6: His Past.

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"Evangeline! Time to wake up!" A voice was heard shaking her.




"Ugh five more minuets mom..." She groaned pushing the person away.

"Sorry not your mother!" The females voice laughed.

"hm?" Evangeline groaned and opened her eyes to see Trisha jumping on her bed shaking her violently.

"WAKE UP!" She yelled impatiently.

"Okay! Im awake." She groaned stretching.Evangeline looked at Trisha but noticed a new face in the chambers. "huh?" She mumbled.

The man had hair which was a mix of ginger and brown. His skin was milky white and he had a butler suit on paired with a small mustache and beard shaped in a small triangle.

"Oh Angie this is Sir Patrick! Hes the kings royal chef!" Trisha giggled.

"Yes, pleasure madam." He bowed and smiled rubbing his hands through the white silk gloves he wore.

"Hello." Evangeline spoke quietly.

"He was just leaving but decided to say hello to you anyways!" Trisha spoke rather fast and loudly.

"Yes well Ill be off now Trisha, Goodbye miss Rose." He nodded to Evangeline who smiled kindly. Everyone seemed nice here. She still hated the king even after yesterday but what can a girl do?

"So what have you got planned today?" Evangeline asked Trisha who smirked proudly.

"Your going to be cleaning the throne room." She snickered evilly.

"What!?" Evangeline squeaked in shock. She began to get nervous. What if she messes up?!

"chop chop! go on no time to waste now!" Trisha practically shoved her out of bed and into the hallways before throwing her cleaning supplies at her.

"Great..." The blonde groaned before slowly walking towards the throne room.

When she entered it was magnificent. Gold everywhere and blue curtains made from velvet and silk draped along the back on the room. The ceiling had a beautiful painting made from the finest paints spread across the entire roof. The pillars had golden incantations and the marble floor was almost spotless. The throne was the best part. It was golden with red cushions probably made from some rich material. Evangeline could stare at it forever.

She looked around and saw vases and other valuable pieces placed on the tables on each side.There was not much cleaning to be done so she decided to quickly and gently dust everything. She grabbed the sweeping brush and began to sweep the flooring that was also made from an expensive glossed marble.

She hummed a small tune as it brought her into her imagination world that was safe and  isolated from the real cruel world.

She didn't hear the great doors open and a person walk in. They smirked and leaned against the golden doors watching her dance and sweep as she hummed. After she finished she woke up out of the dream and heard clapping coming from the doorway.

She looked and turned to the noise.There leaning against the door, clapping stood Ash only this time his shirt was a light blue. He was smiling.

"My My I didn't know you could dance." He chuckled.

"I cant." She smiled and huffed in embarrassment.

"You clearly can."

"Can not!" She giggled shyly.

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