Chapter 2: Make A Wish

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Soon as the sun shone through Evangeline's window she jumped out of her broken bed. She ran to her trunk at the bottom of the room and grabbed out her nicest dress which was still torn and had quite a few stitches in it. She put it on and brushed her dirty blonde hair.

After she packed her mother and father came to wave her goodbye as she was going to go work in the center of the kingdom.

"Goodbye Mother." Evangeline smiled hugging her mother.

"Why do you have to go? You dont need to work!" Her mother whispered almost crying.

"I need to earn money mother or our family will always be stuck as peasants."

"Goodbye My daughter." Her father hugged her quickly before letting her go onto the carriage that would take her to a Inn that was located in the Center of Valcrestria.

Without another word Evangeline hopped onto the carriage and rode off into the distance. She couldn't look back or she'd want to turn right around and go back home. She sighed as the horse picked up speed. Wouldn't be far now until she was in the busiest place in the entire country. Her home kingdom called Valcrestria.

A few hours passed and it was now dusk. The carriage stopped and she tied it up into the stable. It was rented so it didn't belong to her.She grabbed her only luggage bag and began to walk along the cobble roads into the kingdoms walls. She came across the Inn. It was an old pub that was near the  walls of the Kingdom. She opened the door and stepped inside. The Bar was full to the brim of drunks and prostitutes.

She took one step inside and most of the men took one glance at her. Some resumed their chatting or drinking while the others continued to watch her with their beady eyes. The men in there were at least thirty years of age maybe more. She gulped and quickly made her way to the bar counter.

An old man, looked to be in his late fifties looked at her as he used a cloth to wipe down some beer glasses.

"Can I help yer Ma'am?" He asked approaching her.

"Yes actually, I was wondering if you had a room I could rent out while I work in the Kingdom?" Evangeline asked timidly.

"Well we do have one room left, but this is no place for a pretty girl like yourself, most of the fellas in here will eat you up if they get the chance." He replied squinting at her through his small glasses that rested on the bridge of his nose.

"Oh please Sir I am desperate!"

"Okay Okay, Ill rent it to ya, but Miss be careful we cant afford you to be used as a sex doll now can we?" He asked worriedly before handing her the key. "First door to the left." He instructed. Evangeline nodded and smiled grabbing the key gently from the mans hand.

"Thank you!" She beamed before going upstairs and entering her room.

Evangeline opened the door and dropped her luggage onto the rotting wooden floor. The room was a complete mess. It was old and it smelled vile. The bed was worse than her old one back at home. The glass in the window was broken and the holes crammed up with old cloth to 'repair' it.

"I suppose this will have to do huh?" She muttered to herself.

Suddenly she jumped in fright as she heard a loud gunshot down the hall.She quickly turned around and slammed her door shut making sure to lock most of the rusty locks that were on the top of the half broken door.

The walls of the room had punch marks in or scratches. Used condoms were scattered around the floor. She was going to be sick.

She looked out of the broken window up at the night sky and sighed as she slowly leaned against the window ledge.Looking at the glowing moon in the sky.she sighed once more.

"Ill prove everyone wrong, I will show them who I can really be." She hummed looking up at the midnight sky. A flash appeared before her aqua eyes. A shooting Star could be seen traveling cross the sky above.

Evangeline heard of wishing to one of those. She never thought it was real. Most girls her age would wish for a happily ever after. They do not exsist.

"I wish, pfft who am I kidding? Im wishing to a pile of rock that fell into  the atmosphere!" She giggled to herself but paused.

"I wish My life was better and I wasn't stuck as this low life peasant!" She groaned turning to the double broken bed and collapsing onto it.

More noises could be heard of men shouting and women screaming from outside. She curled into a ball on the bed and weeped.

"Why cant my life be different?" She sobbed.

Before Evangeline knew it she already dosed off to sleep. Dreaming about what the next day will bring her.

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