Chapter 17

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              He fall in the middle of the pool, it took him a while to come out "JODHA!! THIS WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL" he said while he is still in the pool "HA??? So what you did was funny???" she asked in the same way but then she laughed at him "OK....OK come and help me please!!!!" he begged she nodded while giggling then forward her hand to him he smirked then hardly pulled her inside the pool, he hold her by her waist and helped her to get up, she took a breath then hardly pushed him and yelled at him "WHAT THE HELL JALAL??? YOU RUINED MY DRESS AND HAIR", "HA AND YOU RUINED MY SUIT" she gave him an angry look then her look changed to laugh they started laughing together, she started throwing water on him, he did the same and they started fighting with water, "OK....OK stop I'm feeling cold, let's go up" she said while going toward the pool stairs "But I'm enjoying it Jodha, this is the first time I swim with a suit it feels nice specially with you" he commented while stopping her and bring her near him "OH really??? Fine you can come and swim always with your suit if you like it" she said teasingly then pushed him a little and went up "You know what Jodha, you should be awarded as the best moment ruiner it will suit you very well" he said in annoyed tone while he was still in the pool, she chuckled.

At night, the Family were chatting and celebrating the new baby arrive "OH God she is so small and cute" Sukanya commented while carrying Mahitab "Hey give me!! I want to carry her you already carried her for so long" Shivani said while taking her from Sukanya "Efff Shivani just five minute more", "NO it's my turn", "BTW she is a human not a doll so you both fighting for her" Mirza said while playing with Mahitab hands "OH MY GOD you know Mirza if you didn't told us, we would never knew it" Sukanya said making others laugh "HUH you know Sukanya I always asked Shivani from where she got to be so funny, but now I knew" he replied back making Shivani got shock so she replied before even letting Sukanya say any word "WHAT DO YOU MEAN???", "Nothing.... did I say something wrong???" he said teasingly, she gave him an angry gaze then got up from her place and went beside Hamida "Did you see Ma???? your son always do the same thing and then blame me on everything" Hamida nodded then said "MIRZA!!!", "MUM please don't take her side as usual this is not fair", "OK if Hamida is with Shovo then I'm with my son" Minavati said then sat beside Mirza and tapped on his back, he smiled then said "Without you Ma I don't know what to do" he made a puppy face that Shivani gave him an angry look then she was about to say something when Jodha came and took Mahitab from her and said "I have to save Mahitab from both of you before destroying her ears by your endless fights" everybody laughed at her comment, "Seriously thank you all, the decoration is so nice I just loved it so much" Bakshi said, "Yea true guys, we really liked it" Abdul added "Of course you will like it Bakshi especially when your busy brother decorate it by himself" Salima said while looking at Jalal "Oh NO impossible Jalal you did??? I won't believe that even if I saw it with my eyes", "No believe Bakshi...believe" Salima said "Stop it guys, and BTW this is nothing comparing to my small Mahitab" he hold Mahitab head, Bakshi smiled then said "Thank you so much Jalal", "No need Bakshi", "Of course no need Bakshi, as you need to thank our queen Jodha, or you forget whose behind all this change" Mirza commented madding Jodha blush hardly she got so shy "Your right Mirza your sister-in-law is the one behind all this change" Jalal said then hugged her from back making her went all pink which was noticed by Sukanya and for sure she will not make it out from her hand so she said "OH Jodha you went all pink" Jodha gave her an annoyed gaze "Don't give me that gaze all of us noticed your shyness" Jodha didn't know how to react "Hey you all stop making my daughter shy" Hamida said then hold her chain and said "This girl didn't only changed my son she also brought the happiness to this house so no one dare to talk with her", Jalal smiled then said teasingly "Not even me MUM this is not fair she is my wife so I have the right to talk to her whenever I want OK???", Hamida chuckled then plumped in his cheeks and said "Stop teasing her Jalal!!" Jalal chuckled.

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