Chapter 35

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               She hugged him back and said "Me too Adham, you don't know how much I was suffering without you, and you don't know how much I'm hurt because of you, how could you Adham?? How could you plan to kill me??? But I was sure that you were forced, right???", Adham suddenly started to laugh, she was confused when he gave her another shock and pushed her with all his strength "What do you think of me Rukaiya??? Do you think I'm that stupid that you will fool me twice??? In your dreams!!! Do you know why I came today??? I came to kill you, I came to free this world from you, TBH we planned for a long way till your death, but you ruined it and because you ruined it and that's too without a permeation then I will end you once, but in a way that you will regret the way you ruined my plan" She didn't know what he is talking about "What do you mean???" he chuckled then said "I will tell you... come with me... COME!!!" he dragged her from her hand harshly toward the bathroom "Leave me... Leave me Adham!!!... Leave me!!!" she tried to push his hand but in vain, He finally throw her on the bathroom and closed the door on her and locked it, she started to scream "Adham!!! Open the door now!! Adham!!!, what do you think of yourself??? Open the door now or I swear I will call the police!!! Adham!!!" Adham laughed out then replied "Go call them, but for your knowledge I'm dead in front of everyone, I will really feel bad for you they will think that you have some mental issues, and common if you are locked here how you will be able to call them??? Don't be that stupid Rukaiya and be the brave Rukaiya and focus with me, did you see the big hole on the top of your right side???" She looked at the top only to find a big hole "What is this???" she started to shiver in panic, Adham chuckled then said "This is an air taking machine, I brought it specially for you, after exactly twenty minutes the bathroom that you are in will be airless and by that..." he chuckled then said "You know what happens next, right???, but yea before I go I need to tell you something to help you somehow, if you don't want to die quickly then don't keep moving and don't ever try to stop the machine because if you touch it... or you know what, I won't tell you what will happen, let it be a surprise for your stupidity" he laughed out then said "BYE RUKAIYA!!!", "No... no... no...No Adham please don't do that!! Adham please!! I will be your slave if you want but please!! Adham!!! ADHAM!!!! ADHAM!!! I SAID PLEASE!!! ADHAM!!! God please!!! Adham!! ADHAM!!!" she started to cry "ADHAM!!!", "SHUT THE FUCK UP RUKAIYA!! YOU DESERVE THAT, YOU DESERVE MORE THAN THAT, I LOVED YOU MORE THAN MYSELF BUT DID YOU CARE FOR EVEN ONCE??? DID YOU??? NO, YOU KEPT ON SAYING JALAL ALWAYS!!! YOU KEPT ON LOVING HIM EVEN IF I WAS WITH YOU, YOU KEPT ON USING ME AND USING MY FEELINGS JUST TO GET HIM YOU B***H, HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU FORGET HIM AND I WILL GIVE YOU MY LIFE??? HOW MANY TIMES I TOLD YOU LET US LIVE TOGETHER AWAY FROM HERE AND BUILD A FAMILY??? HOW MANY TIMES??? ANSWER!!! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, THANK YOU... THANK YOU RUKAIYA!!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU FOR NOT ACCEPTING ME, BECAUSE IF YOU DID I WOULD HAVE NEVER FIND LAVANIA, SO THANK YOU!! AND NOW I WILL TELL YOU BYE FOREVER!! MAY YOUR SOUL REST ON PEACE, EVEN THOUGH I'M SURE THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR A DANCER SAME YOU, BYE MISS RUKAIYA FOREVER BYE!!!" he went out of the room and closed the door harshly so she can sense that he left "No... NO... NO Adham!!! ADHAM!!! Adham!!" she collapsed on the floor and started to shiver while crying thinking that after sometimes she will die, she was crying like no tomorrow but then she thought of something so she jumped to the sink and tried to open the water but here was the new shock they cut the water as will and the bathroom doesn't have a window so it was the end.

Adham went down stairs, "ADHAM!! What happened???" Lavania asked, "We win, now choose a country and let's escape to it" she couldn't believe what she heard, she already jumped on him with a hug "REALLY??" he nodded while hugging her back "But Adham, are you sure that when the police will come they won't know anything???" Selina asked, Adham nodded "Yea, don't worry, this is a disco and you have an official permission on opening it, other than that Rukaiya is a dancer here and she drinks alcohol a lot so such attacks are possible for her" Lavania was confused "What?? I didn't understand, you put a machine right???" Adham and Selina chuckled then Selina said "Lavania!! There is no such a machine, it's a prank, the bathroom has air and will never be out of air but the panic and the fair are the things which will kill Rukaiya, and when the police will come they will think that it's just a normal heart attack that she get after drinking a lot last night because her blood is still not free from the huge amount that she drank last night, did you understand??? You must do, I knew you are a doctor" Lavania mouth dropped "WHAT??? This seems to be an action movie seriously, like how did you get this idea???" Selina chuckled and pointed to Adham who chuckled and hugged Lavania.

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