Chapter 28

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         At night, the whole family was gathered in the living room chatting while Jalal was sitting alone in one of the chair thinking of the events that is happening and trying to figure out the truth from them 'Is that the truth??? Was I really in love with her and that much too???? Did she really changed me in the past???...', Jalal thoughts were cut by Hamida "Jalal!!! My son where are you lost???" she asked, "HAA... MMM.. Nowhere anyways I'm tired I will go to sleep, goodnight everyone", "Goodnight Jalal" all replied and he went up, "Jodha!!!" Mirza came and sit next to her while she was drinking her hot-chocolate, "What Mirza?? Is everything fine???" she asked confused, "Yes don't worry everything is fine, it's just that I wanted to inform you that Jalal asked about you today" Mirza replied teasingly, she coughed hardly, all looked at her worried "What happened Jodha??? Are you fine???" Bakshi asked while rubbing her back, "Ye... yes don't worry" she smiled nervously then looked at Mirza and whispered "What???", "What??" Mirza teased her with a smirk, "I swear Mirza if you will stay teasing me I will kill you, not only that but will tell Shivani how you flirt with girls in my run....", "OK... OK fine don't continue I will tell you everything..." he told her their conversation, then said "I think that's why he went up so early and wasn't focusing with us he is thinking about you dear" Jodha smiled widely "So you mean he knew that I changed him and we loved each other and everything???" Mirza nodded, "You know Mirza, you are the best brother in law I have ever seen in my life love you so much" she pulled his cheek, "Yes now you love me right???" Jodha chuckled then said "Ok now I will go good night all", "Good night Jodha" all replied and she went up when Shivani came and set in her place "What you both talked about??" she asked, "Nothing.... about you" he said teasingly, "Me??? And what you talked about me???", "Nothing I just told her how you are so bad, always fight with me, and arguing in everything simple or great, and how you keep shouting that's all" he turned to see her face and here he broke in laughter, he laughed at her hardly that everyone looked at him "MMMMM... Mum see your son, he always annoy me" she went and hugged Hamida from back "Mirza!!! What you did this time???" Shivani gave him a winning smirk, "Mum!!! How you can accuse me that way??? Ok I will tell you what happen, it's all that your daughter in law doesn't like me to flirt with her, I just told her that she is so beautiful and hot and she became angry on me" he gave Shivani a 'Don't play with me again' look, Shivani went all pink now "Bu... bu... but...", "But what love??? I just can't stop myself from telling you that you are so hot and you, anyways its OK sweetheart, I love you!!" Shivani get totally embarrassed, she faced the floor then "I... I will.... I will go to see Mahitab" she ran upstairs making all laugh out loud then Salima came and pulled his ears and said "Go and talk with her and don't do that again don't embrace our Shovo", "Aw.. ouch Ok fine I will go" he chuckled and went up.

Meanwhile, Jodha entered the room and found Jalal was laying on the bed looking at the wall, she smiled then thought "Is he thinking about me??" then she went and took out his medicine and saw if he took it, then said "You still didn't take your medicine Jalal" she took a glass of water and went to him, he was still in the same position "Jalal!!!" she called he came out of his thought and turned to her he gazed at her beauty "JALAL" she called but in a louder tone that he quickly rush and sit on the bed "Yes", "Your medicine" she forward them to him "Oh yes thank you" she smiled and he took them then looked at her "Is everything fine??? Where are you lost???" she asked, "Nothing I'm fine" she smiled to him, then turned but he hold her hand "Wait.. I mean like.... like how are you doing??? I mean are you fine??? I mean your pregnancy" she smiled then said "We are totally fine Jalal don't worry" he smiled when his phone rang for a message both of them looked at the phone, Jodha eyes bumped out seeing the background picture but then thought 'It might be from before' but for her surprise Jalal said "I found this picture when I saw the phone pictures and it was my best from all others so I chose to put it on the background" she looked at him shocked then smiled she wanted to hug him tight or even just say something but she didn't know what to say, so she took the glass and walked to the table and put it there then entered the bathroom and hold her belly "Did you see Mama??? He put our picture in his phone" she smiled widely. Jalal was all of this time looking at her while smiling then he lay down and closed his eyes while still thinking about her and the smile was also still there.

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