Chapter 33

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"Jodha!!! What happened??? Why are you crying???" Mirza asked on the other side of the phone "Mirzaa!!! Please help me!!! Jalal will put my father in jail" she cried, "WHAT??!! WHY?? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME???" He asked, she cried then said "I insulted Rukaiya in my runway", "WHAT??? BUT WHY YOU DID SO???" he asked "Because she tried to insult me and destroy my image in front of everyone", "WHAT??? BUT HOW??? Jodha!! Tell me everything in details" he asked, "I went to my rest room to change my gown, I put both gowns in the bed and entered the bathroom, then when I came out I found my friend Tina there, she told me that she saw a girl cutting my gowns from the corner and she showed me where, then I asked her who, she showed me the picture that she took for that girl and it was Rukaiya, fortunately, I had an extra one so I changed and then when I went on the stage I just said 'the dancer' and insulted her but it was just because I was so angry, I swear!!! Like I wanted just to slap her and since I couldn't I did that, I swear I didn't mean to do so", "And do Jalal know about that??? I mean did you tell him the whole story???" Mirza asked, "No, he didn't give me even a chance to explain myself, he shouted at me, and told me that he know how to punish me and that's what he did today, Mirza please help me!!!" She cried, "OK!! OK... you just relax and tell me what did Jalal do exactly???"

Flashback, early in the same day 'Author note: same flashback in chapter 14'

Jodha entered someone office cabin angrily then with all her strength she throws some files on his desk and yelled "WHO DO YOU THINK YOURSELF IS TO BUY MY DAD'S BUILDING??? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM HIM??? I THINK WE HAD A DEAL THEN WHY YOU DID THAT???" Jalal turned his chair while giggling, he was totally drunk then gets up and went near her and said "When you insult Ruqaiya in such a way in front of everybody I don't only insult your father but your whole FAMILY put this in your mind MY WIFE" he plumped on her cheeks, she pushed his hand then warned "Then you also put in your stupid little mind that if you come near my family again Jodha Bhramal will kill you DO YOU UNDERSTAND???" he chuckled then said while pulling her harshly toward him "So you are challenging Jalal Eddine Mohammad??? Or we can say you are challenging YOUR HUSBAND MRS. MOHAMMED???" he tighten his grip that her back got a little hurt "LEAVE ME!!! LEAVE ME NOW!!! YOU'RE HURTING ME" she screamed while trying to free herself "ANSWER", "YE..." he stopped her while kissing her forcefully she tried hard to get out of his grip till finally she succeeded, he smirked at her when she pushed him with all her strength and yelled "BEING YOUR WIFE DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO FORCE ME ON SOMETHING" then she went out from there with a few tears on her cheeks he laughed out loud and said "This is nothing Mrs. Mohammed" he laughed again but this time louder and more evilly.

Flashback ends

"EFFF... JALAL, I'm really sorry Jodha!!! I will try to talk with him but you don't worry OK??? And I will convince him to give the building back don't worry", "Please do Mirza!!! This is the only thing that my dad have now and if Jalal won't give it back, my dad will face a lot of consequences, he might even enter the jail so please talk with him!!!" She begged, "Don't worry I will, but I need something from you Jodha", "What???" she was confused, "I need the picture that Tina took for Rukaiya if you still have it, please send it to me!!!" Mirza requested, "Yeah I still have it, I will send it now".

***Flashback ends***

"I was so cruel, like at least I could have let her explain herself out, anyways continue what happened next??", "I talked with you and...


Jalal was changing his cloths when his phone rang he answered "Mirza!! Long time, I thought you forget us or something", "Common Jalal, it's just two days, and I was having my finals so" Mirza replied, "Oh yea, how did you do???", "Good, yea you can say good", "That means you didn't do well, can you tell me what were you doing all of this time??? Why you didn't study???" Jalal asked angrily, "Common Jalal, don't be same Mum please!!! Hamada already insulted your brother enough today, so common and I didn't say other than good, who told you I didn't do well??", "OK fine, and now tell me how did you remember me suddenly???" Jalal asked statistically, "Actually for two reasons, first because I need you to book a ticket, you know I finished my finals and not only that this was my last year so..", "OH yeah, you know I totally forget about that, Ok I will book you a ticket today, now tell me the second reason", "Jodha!!" Mirza answered, "Mirza!! Don't try, specially this time, because I'm sure you don't know the reason", "I know it's because she said the word 'dancer' to your Rukaiya, but I'm the one who's sure that you didn't know the whole truth", "What truth for God sake???, she insulted her in front of my eyes", "Ok fine, you don't want to hear me then see the picture that I will send you now and then choose if you want to hear me or not, here I sent it", "Picture?? Of who??" Jalal was confused, "Just see it, I just sent it", "EFFF, fine let's see till when you will stand on her side" he opened his WhatsApp only to find the picture of Rukaiya holding a scissors in her hand and white dress on the other hand and is trying to cut the dress, "What is this??? Whose dress is this??" Jalal was still confused, "Jodha!!!" Mirza answered, "OHH now I understand, you want to say that Rukaiya wanted to cut Jodha's gown, and Jodha insulted her for that right???", "Exactly!!", "Mirza!!! Don't try, I will never believe that Rukaiya would do such a thing so stop all of that" Jalal started to lose his temper, "Yeah you won't believe that, but you believed that Jodha insulted Rukaiya out of nowhere right??? Jalal please stop this!!! Why can't you see Jodha as a good person??? Why can't you give her even a chance??? Is Rukaiya that much controlling you??? Like for God sake, and if you don't believe that picture then I'm sorry I won't be able to help anymore, because I think my brother Jalal is no more the one that we all know, Bye and yeah don't forget the ticket" Mirza cut the call, Jalal was shocked, he opened the picture again and zoomed in 'Is this real?? Did Rukaiya really do this???" he was confused then he went to Jodha's side of the wardrobe and opened it, he started to search in the gowns till he finally fined the white gown, he took it out and started to search for the corner that Rukaiya missed, and there he found it "OH God this can't be possible, this means Mirza was right, I wasn't fair with Jodha, EFFFFF... RUKAIYA WHY???".

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