Chapter 34

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             Rukaiya was getting ready along with Emily. "Rukayia, I will wear the red bracelet, you have one right" Emily asked and Rukaiya nodded "Yea, I will go and bring it, it's on my room" Emily smiled to her.

Rukaiya entered her room, she was totally forgetting the morning accident, she entered inside and went toward her cabinet, she opened it and took a box and sit on her bed and that was the moment when the morning accident hit her mind, she almost jumped and rushed to the door and that's when she noticed a flash light coming from under her bed, she was confused but more than confused, scared; scared to even check what was it, so she chose to go out of her room and call one of the girls from outside "Hey you!! Come here.." the girl came inside "Yes Rukaiya, what's wrong???" the girl asked with concern, "Mmmm.. nothing it's just that.... Mmmm actually my knees is hurting me and I can't bow down, and I need to get this thing that is getting that light from under the bed, so can you help me!!" the girl smiled then said "Sure... wait I will get it" she went there, Rukaiya started shaking, she was so scared, and that's when the girl bowed down and took it out, "LEAV... WHAT??? What is that??" Rukaiya screamed first but then was shocked seeing a flashlight, "Rukaiya!! It's a flashlight, can't you see, anyway I have to leave now" she hands it to Rukaiya then went out, Rukaiya stared at it unbelieving that it's just a flashlight, her mind was telling her that there is something wrong with this flashlight "I'm sure it's more than a flashlight, but it's a flashlight, but the thing is what is this flashlight doing here??? Does this mean that what happened with me was just a pr...", Rukaiya mind was thinking when "It's mine" Rukaiya turned only to find Selina there, Selina took the flashlight harshly from her hands then said "I came here to get a dress for one of the dancers and by mistake my ring fall under the bed so I brought the flashlight to search for it, and seems that I forgot it here" Rukaiya nodded sadly "BTW why are you still not ready??? The party will start go..." Rukaiya nodded then went out while murmuring "This is confusing" as soon as Rukaiya went out Selina took a deep breath in relief then called someone "Can I know how come you forgot the flashlight??? We were about to be caught for a minute, be careful next time... bye!!!" she closed the call then went out.

Salima cut the call with Hamida then called "Rahim!!! Go change your cloths we're going out", Rahim looked at her confused "Where are we going???", Salima smiled then went toward him and carried him up "first, we will go and check your new school, then after that we will go with your uncle Sujamal to a park, what do you think???" Rahim looked at her then said sadly "But why a new school, I like my school, I have a lot of friends there" Salima felt guilty then kissed his forehead and said "Rahim!! Can you help me on living here??" Rahim looked at her confused, "Rahim!! We left New York and came to London and here we have a new game and we need to win it so what do you say?? Will you help me on winning" he looked at her then said "And with who we are playing???" Salima smiled then said "Your uncle Jalal, we need to show him that we are happy so he will lose what do you say???" Rahim chuckled then said "Yea, we have to win, we have to win him" he went jumped from her hand and ran to his room, Salima face fall "Why Jalal??? Why you didn't accept my happiness??? Why??" she started to tear "If you weren't that stubborn I wouldn't have lied to Rahim now".

Jalal and Jodha knocked Bhramal house door, and waited "Jalal!! Are you sure they sent the gowns???" Jalal took a deep breath then said "JODHA!!! For the nineteen time I will say YES... YES one more time ask about it and I will give you a prize" She broke into laughter seeing him offended then said "This will depend on my prize, is it worth it???" he looked at her then was about to say "Unbel...", "Unbelievable" she continued it then smiled to him, he looked at her then broke into laughter with her that's when Mina opened the door, "JODHA!!!" Jodha hugged her tightly "I missed you!!!", Mina kissed her head then said "Way more love!!!" then she broke the hug and hugged Jalal, "How are you my son???" Jalal hugged her back and said "Fine Mum" Jodha then asked "MUM!!! Where is Sukanya???", "She is in her room waiting for you" Jodha nodded then was about to run when Jalal hold her hand "WHAT???" she asked, "You won't go upstairs alone and that's too using the stairs" she rolled her eyes then called "REVAA!!!" Reva came and hugged Jodha "JODHA!!! I missed you", "Me too!! See it's a decision from the higher authorities that you will have to help me getting upstairs" Jalal looked at her then said statistically "How funny!! Reva please can you help her!!!" Reva chuckled then nodded "Sure!!" she took Jodha, and Jalal chuckled then went with Mina to the living room.

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