Chapter 29

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          Sukanya entered Surya's office, but this time the door was already opened by itself so she didn't do anything wrong, "Yes you heard it right Lavania, I'm telling you that I want a rest can't you understand, let us just take a break for month or two then will see what will happen next", "Bu... but why??? Why Surya??? What I did wrong???" she cried, "It's not about you, it's about me I need rest I'm bored I want to live free for some time I'm feeling that I'm blocked between four walls please understand", "But...", "Lavania please!!! I told you we will see after month or two, we might be together again, I just need to free my mind for some time", "Surya!! I'm not one of those girls who you think by that time she will already be moved on and you will continue your own life do you understand??? You don't have the right to break me that way, I won't allow you", "And what you will do??? See I never promised you on anything so don't be that dramatic, you already knew that one day we either broke up or continue with a serious relationship and that day came and I seriously don't find the type of girl that I want to continue my life with on you so...", "So what?? I have to accept that and go away right??? You know what??? It's not your fault, it's my fault that I trusted and loved you but I'm sure that one day karma will take my revenge... Bye Mr. Surya" she got up and took her things then passed beside Sukanya and looked at her then left, Sukanya was hell shocked she never saw such side from him 'How could he be that mean??? Like how he could do that with her??? He broke her heart totally and that easily' she turned to leave when he saw her "Sukanya!!!", she turned "What??", "You came, but why you're leaving??? Come inside", "No, it's not like that it's just that...", "Just come" he ordered, she nodded and went inside then sat in front of him, "You heard everything right??" he asked, "HA??? WHAT??? I mean... like..." she didn't know what to say, "Sukanya!! I know you heard us, as I saw you when you entered, see Sukanya I want you to know that I'm not that type of person, it's not as you saw it, like I know I did wrong with her but like...", "Like what??? You break her heart and emotions, you destroyed her, you shuttered her...", "But I didn't promise her for anything, like our relation was just for joy, and she is the one who stayed with me and stuck in my life like a glue I never thought of something more than that with her", "Oh... Seriously??? You know what?? Do whatever you see right, I don't care and what is my business in that??? Just bye Mr. Surya" she get up and started walking away, "Sukanya wait..... waittt.... effff" he fumed.

"I'm sorry to say that Jalal but this is the truth you accepted" Mirza replied, "But like Rukayia what happened to her here???, like I remember she was with me in that time" Jalal asked, "Actually here nothing happened to her as you and she planed everything together", "Planed everything together??? How???" Jalal asked, "When...


"Jalal... you here???" Rukayia ran and hugged him, "Yes baby, I came to talk to you", "About what love??" she asked, "You won't let me sit first or I don't have a seat in our house???", she chuckled then said "No sure have a seat baby, you know this is the most beautiful words I have ever heard 'our house' I still can't believe I have a house and I'm for you and only yours Jalal" he cupped her face and said "Never say that Rukaiya forget your past, and think about our life together nothing more nor less OK baby??" she nodded with a wide smile then asked "Now tell me Mr. Jalal what brought you here??? As long as I remember you told me that you're so busy today and you don't have time to come and see me then what happened???", Jalal expressions changed then he looked the other side and said "Bhramal's daughter came to me today", "WHAT???? I mean what she wants from you???" she asked, "What she will want other than saving her father from me???" he said statistically, "And what happened??", he told her everything, "WHAT??? AND WHAT DID YOU SAY JALAL???" she quickly asked, "Still didn't choose, and to be honest that's why I'm here now" she breathed out in relief when he continued, "Rukayia!! I seriously don't know, like her words does make since, if I destroyed her life her father will get the pain I wanted to give him, but in the same time what is her fault in all of that??? My conflict is with her father not her, I seriously don't know Rukayia please tell me what I have to do??? I have only you who can understand my way of thinking no one else so please help me" he begged her, she looked at him then thought 'This is so good, if Jalal will marry that Jodha then he will get his revenge and in the same time I will get benefit as I will start building in his head that he have to take control over her work then I will get her shops and I will be so famous and get so much money, then I will let him divorce her and in that I will get two in one Jalal, and the popularity that I dreamt of long time ago, this is awesome, so Rukayia it is your perfect time to play this game in a very brave way' she looked at him then she faked a sad voice and said "Jalal!! Please don't get sad, I can't see you that way love" she hugged him, "But I'm so confused Rukaiya, what I will do now??? From one side my revenge and that Jodha, while from the other side you and my life, what I will do now??", she smirked then said "Jalal look at me, first you don't have to worry about me as I'm sure whatever you will choose I will stay in your life OK??? Second, why are you thinking about her??? If it's not her fault and she doesn't deserve that then why you deserved it HA??? Why they made you suffer and made you face a lot in your childhood??? It wasn't your fault as well then why they did that??? Jalal this game is a big one and you promised your father that you will take his revenge and here is the time to do that Jalal, you have to do it for your father, and about that girl don't worry about her as she have to suffer what you suffered in your childhood and trust me you are so good to them that you will help them and won't allow her father to enter the jail, and think about it you won't marry her for so long, you will marry her for four months or few more months then you will divorce her and let her father suffer for his daughter and we will marry and live our life Jalal, think about it baby... think", "I don't know Rukayia, I have to think for some time anyway I'm going now bye baby"...

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