Chapter 31

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              Mirza entered the roof area only to find Jalal sitting there on the swing, looking toward the dark sky "What are you doing here??" he asked, "MMM... Nothing just sitting, did Salima reach London???" Jalal asked with concern, "Yes, she just called" Mirza replied, "MMM.... Anyways, she is the one who sent you right???" Jalal asked, "And why do you care??" Mirza teased him, "Mirzaaa!!!" he warned, "Fine.. fine, yea she is the one who sent me" he replied, "So good, she do the mistake and send others to talk to me" he replied statistically, "Jalal, don't say that she really cares for you, and wait if you are not in the mood of talking about her then I shall go" Jalal looked at him confused, "Yea, sure I have to go because I came to continue the story but you seems not to be in the mood that's why I have to go.. Goodnight" he turned to go when, "Wait... don't go" Jalal stopped him, "Why???" Mirza teased him, "You know Mirza, it's not your fault it's my fault to always cover in your deeds, but not anymore, I will go now and tell everything I know about your phone and trips to my lovely sister in law and let's see what will happen" he was about to get up, "Bro... Wait where are you going??? Actually I was saying like where we stopped last time???", "Exactly, this is my good boy, we reached till we arrived to the wedding area", "OH yea so...


Jalal entered the court with Hamida, Bakshi and Salima only to find Jodha sitting on the table where the court man is sitting and in the other side her mother, Father, two sisters and a man who seems to be her brother for Jalal, all sitting in front of the stage, Hamida looked around to find that the court is so silent, and that's for sure because it was just a close marriage with the family members not even one friend of the bride, her eyes got moisten 'Oh God, why you let me see this day?? Who thought that my older son marriage will be that simple and quite??? Why you didn't take me with Humayun and never let me see this day??? Mothers are always the happiest in their son's marriage but look at me today, I'm wishing that I have died before seeing such a day' Bakshi hold her from her shoulders in order to calm her, then took her to the sitting place, Hamida saw an old lady on her age crying she went to her and asked "You must be our bride mother right??" Mina raised her face and nodded confused, "Don't worry on your daughter, as from now on she is my daughter as well and I promise you I will treat her in a way that she will never feel that she is away from you" Mina smiled and hugged Hamida "Please take care of her!!! Jodha is so sensitive and poor so please put her in your eyes!!!" Hamida smiled between her tears and said "I promise, you are from now on my sister so don't worry" Mina took a breath in relief.

On the other side Jalal was talking on the phone and beside him Abdul, still didn't went to the table while Jodha was observing the whole scene from her seat, she was looking at each one in the room and seeing their reactions when suddenly someone hold her from her shoulders she raised her face to find two girls "Hi!!!" Bakshi said, "Hi!!" Jodha was still confused, "Don't worry!! We are Jalal's relatives, I'm Salima his cousin and she is Bakshi his younger sister" Jodha smiled to them "Nice to meet you", "OH God you know something, you're looking so pretty like seriously, even in this simple white dress but your seriously looking just gorgeous I praise my brother for such a choice" Jodha was smiling but then her smile vanished in the last words but she quickly faked a smile and said "Thank you!!!", "Ok now we have to leave as we can't stand here anymore your marriage ritual will start so excuse us" Jodha nodded and they went away, she took a deep breath then signed "No tears Jodha, you are strong hold on" she tried hardly, when suddenly a group entered the hall with music, she looked shocked 'Who brought them???' she wondered, Jalal wasn't less surprised than Jodha when suddenly someone jumped on him "Congrats Bro", "Mirza??? You??" Mirza broke the hug and said "Yes me, who other than me can break the rules, tell me??" he hit Jalal on his chest playfully, "BUT when did you come??" Jalal was confused, "Today, actually Bakshi called me yesterday night and told me everything so I booked for the earliest fly and here I'm, now leave that and let's enjoy come" he pulled Jalal to the middle of his friends that Mirza just brought with him, they started making Jalal dance and they are all around him, and that's when Mirza looked at the table where Jodha is sitting and headed there "Holla sister in law, or wait this is so long sister is better" She smiled to him, "OK, I'm Mirza Jalal's brother, I just came from London, I'm studying there and now came here for the marriage then will go back, so don't feel bad if the house will be boring without me, ok?? Because as you see I'm the only cool person in this family, Oh God I talk a lot, I know that, but you have to get used to it, now leave my stupid story and come!!" he tried to pull her but "No please!! I'm fine here", "Rule number one, no one says no to Mirza now come or else.." he said strictly, "Else??" she asked confused, "Else... Else... effff I don't know, now just come" he pulled her from her hand and pushed her to the middle that she was about to slip but Jalal caught her in the last minute, Mirza high fived with Bakshi "Excellent Mirza!!!" Abdul mouth opened widely "You two???", "What Baby?? We are just letting them comfortable with each other and erase the hatred between both of them, nothing more" Bakshi said with a puppy face and Mirza nodded agreeing with her, "Really??", "Yes" both answered and the three of them chuckled.

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