Chapter 24

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         Days passed, Jalal and Jodha went back home. Everyone noticed Jalal changes, they noticed that Jalal went back to the old Jalal the cruel, womanizer, heartless, aggressive and harsh Jalal, he went back to his old behaviors, the strict behaviors. Again they started facing that Jalal but inside all of them, the hope was still there the hope that Jodha can change him again, Jodha can bring her Jalal back, and they showed her that hope always with their smile that was like a habit now forcing it on their faces whenever they saw Jodha sad eyes. On those days Jodha was facing the same Jalal that she faced when she first came here in Mohammed house but the difference now that she loves him, she cares for him that her tongue can't hurt him with any words back, she felt so lonely, whenever she saw him she wish to go hug him tight and cry her heart out, but she couldn't, she wanted her Jalal that was listening to her always, but she couldn't find him anymore.

That night, Jodha entered their room silently and sat in front of the mirror, taking her accessories out, and removing her makeup while Jalal was working on his laptop he noticed her, so he gathered himself and finally chose to open up what he realized so he called "Jodha!!", she didn't accept him to open a conversation but she can say there was something wrong, she turned when he preceded with the topic directly "Ok!! See I wanted to ask you many times on those days but couldn't, don't ask me why because me myself don't know, but I can't hold it inside me anymore, I need an answer and I think you are the best one to give me the answer", he paused, she took a breath then nodded slightly as she knew where this will lead "I used not to love anyone and I forgot a part of my memory which is as they are saying one year, but like how did I love you and how we got married, sorry for that but like it is impossible that I loved you before, especially when you are Bhramal daughter the one that I destroyed and as long as I know there was a girl in my life which wasn't you, her name is 'Rukayia' then can you tell me how everything happened??? I seriously need an answer" and here came the storm that Jodha was afraid from the most, she knew that day will come even though she tried to confess herself that it might never came, but here it is, she didn't know what to do or how to act, this was so much for her, the only thing that her body was able to do is to get up and go out of the room running, she didn't know what happened to her but she just couldn't.

Mirza was on the corridor when she came out, so he rushed to her "What happened Jodha?? Is Jalal fine?? Are you fine??", she looked at him "H... he.... re... rem... remembers her.... he remembered her Mirza he remembered Rukayia" she broke in tears, "WHAT????", "Yes... yes he did remember her not only that he also remembered his and my father problem, he remembered everything except me, he remembered everything except me Mirza everything and not only that he asked me how could he marry me when Bhramal is my father and he was having another girl on his life, just imagine that Mirza... he rem... he remembered her and didn't remember me" she started to sob, "Calm down Jodha calm down why you didn't explain everything to him????", "What to explain when he don't even believe that I'm his wife?? What to explain tell me??" she asked in the middle of her tears "OK... OK calm down we will find a way to solve that calm down" he tried comfort her, Bakshi came out of her room only to find both of them so she rushed to them "What happened???", "Jalal remembered Rukaiya and uncle Bhramal" Mirza replied "WHAT??? How could that happen???? Like as long as I know he knew OH GOD yes one year means he will remember her as he knew her since five years now" she said making Jodha sob harder "OH GOD don't cry Jodha he will for sure remember you one day" she said while bowing down and hugging her. Jodha started crying her heart out "Why Bakshi??? Why me???", "SSSSHHHHH" Bakshi tried but in vain.

Rukaiya was still on Daniel house she couldn't go away for a minute as he was now with her in every second he even started training her how to model thinking she is suit to be the cover of his brand.

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