Chapter 23

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"Stop yelling and hear me very well, the mission went wrong when she went away he followed her and when Rayan was about to crash her, he saved her and he is the one who got crushed in the car so she is still sav..." the reply from the other side.

"YOU STUPID YOU MEAN JALAL IS THE ONE WHO GOT CRUSHED NOT JODHA, HOW COULD YOU HARM MY JALAL???? I WILL DESTROY BOTH OF YOU....I WILL KILL YOU BOTH" And that for sure was none other than Rukayia who cut the call by now "MY JALAL!!" She cried when she remembered

Flash back ***chapter nineteen***

"BTW tomorrow will be a very special day for me so I need you in it I bought you a dress it will arrive tomorrow morning and the driver will come to take you at four so be ready OK??", she nodded then asked "But what so special???", "Tomorrow I have a competition it is a fashion competition and I will be against the fashion designer Jodha Kapoor 'JK' so I want you with me" he explained everything making her smirk evilly "Now I have to go and sleep, good night love" he kissed her and went up she erased his kiss by her hand then spilt three times "He taste like rotten egg ewwwww" she split again, "But in the same time this boy will help me a lot in my plans" she smirked again "The end is near" she laughed evilly, then she hold her phone and called someone "See I have a plan, which means your time is up".

"Say it I'm ready" the girl replied from the other side.

"Are you really ready to kill for me Benazeer???" she asked.

"Anything for you Ruqaiya you just order" Benazeer answered back.

"OK then hear what I have, tomorrow she will have a runway in the world runway competition now the thing is not here it is after she will leave I mean she will leave for sure from the other door as always so she will avoid the reporters, but this time I think there will be someone with here who you WON'T COME NEAR AT ALL DO YOU UNDERSTAND??? So when they will come near the door you will go to them in a way showing that you know who he is, his name is Jalal so say anything just make her jealous make her leave from the door angrily and alone, ALL ALONE, and here say to one of the men Salem, Rayan or Rasheed to come in the fastest speed and doooom you know what happen next" Rukayia explained evilly.

"MMMMM interesting plan want to start it from today so excited" Benazeer appreciated the plan.

"So I can say you will do it???" Rukaiya asked.

"For sure" Benazeer replied.

"Good girl now bye I have to go" Rukayia said then closed the phone and laughed evilly "Poor Jodha but what can I say rest in peace poor soul, and I promise I will try my best to come and see you dressed white just like an angel" she laughed even louder.

Flashback ends

"NO....NO NO NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN JALAAAAL" she yelled her heart out "I....I have to see him...yes...yes I have to check on him GOD WHY???" she cried.

"So what did you say??? Will you order with me or no???" Jalal asked seeing her lost "HA... AHHH Yes I mean OK fine we will order but in one condition" her expression was showing seriousness "EFFFFFF... OK fine what is your condition???" she smiled then said "I'm the one who will order which means I will choose the food" he looked at her "Seriously??? BTW I'm the one who want to order", "Excuse me Mr. Mohammad but your wiii..." everything happened hit her mind once, suddenly everything stopped in front of her she started to tear, Jalal who was facing the other side by now noticed that she stopped so he turned while saying "Why you sto...." He saw her tears on her cheeks he felt something really strange seeing her tears, he didn't know why he care for her even when he still till now didn't fully believe she is his wife, he touched her cheeks softly. Feeling his hand on her cheeks she came back to sense she looked at him "Why you are crying now???" he asked removing her tears, she was still looking straight on his eyes for the first time ever she saw sympathy not love she quickly took his hand away then got up and went out while saying "I'm going to order!! Take care" she closed the door behind her.

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