Chapter 5: Where I stand

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Katina POV 

After I heard my little sister got into a fight the only thing I was thinking was "Who put they dirty little hands on my baby sister?" but when got to the nurses office I saw Kc on the bed sleep and Crystal came in shortly.

"Where she at?!" Crystal said pushing me out the way.

"Got dang Cook." I said. 

"You know I don't play with my little sister." She said. We walked towards Kc and looked at her bruised faced and I got madder from everyone I saw. I sat next to her trying not to cry as Crystal rubbed my back. I know Kc has had worst fights but it's heartbreaking to see this. After a bit Melo, Gelo, and some other kids walked in. I'm guessing they were Kc friends. Melo walked to the side of her bed and grabbed her hand. Then Eli comes up behind him and rubs his shoulders and tells him everything is going to ok it was just a fight. After he said that I notice her head was bleeding and I stood up and walked out. I walked out and sat against the wall crying. After 2 minutes I heard a familiar voice.

"You good?" He said I looked up and saw Gelo standing next to me. I wiped my eyes and nodded. He sat next to me.

"I know your not but just remember I'm here." He said with a smile. I smiled a little and he gave a side up and didn't let go.

Play the song at the beginning for this chapter I'mma try to make this as sad as possible 

Melo Pov

I look at Kc she's  peacefully asleep and I lowkey start to cry even though I know she's gonna be ok but she could lose her memories and I don't want her to forget me. I stroke her hair curly gently and I look at my hand and blood was all over it. 

"Is that blood?!" Crystal said in shock. I nodded and she stood up and ran to the nurse.

"PLEASE SHE'S BLEEDING!" She said crying.

"I'm sorry but we can't do anything sweet heart about this it's to serious." The nurse said. Crystal ran back in and pulled out her phone out and called her brother I'm guessing.

"Ant hurry please! Her head is actually bleeding!" She said into the phone. 

"Ok on our way." She said then hung up.

"Pick her up we taking her to Ant's car." She said.

Garrett picked her up and took her to the car. 

Garrett POV

This was pretty scary to be honest. I know I just met her today and I'm not on that love at first sight shit but she got a nigga feeling some type of way. She's funny, fun, pretty, smart, and she didn't care what people said about her. Maybe I'm over my head on this one. After about about 5 minutes we get to the hospital and Ant takes her off my lap and runs inside carrying her.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!" He yelled when in the lobby. They came over with those beds and Ant placed her on it carefully and they rolled her to her room.

Crystal POV

At this point I'm nervous as anything and I'm biting my nails.

"I can't lose my baby sis." I said pacing back and forth. 

"Cook calm down." Zo said.

"HOW?! My baby sister could die because of that bitch." I said. He grabbed my hands and pulled me in his arms. He hugged me tightly and we rocked side to side. To be honest it was calming and I didn't want him to let go. He recently broke up with this one girl I don't know why but it meant he was single but he can be with whoever he wants. But what if it's me. 

Amanda POV

As I walk out of the nurses office I go to my final period and everyone is staring at me and everyone knows I hate being stared at.

"Your deserve that black eye." A little freshman says to me. At first I was confused then I remember I got in a fight with that new girl.

"What makes you say that?" I said laughing.

"Kc is in the hospital because of you. How do you not care." She said. I had no idea she was the hospital. I kinda feel bad. NOT. That shows her not to over step her bounds.

"Well you see girly I just don't now run along I have classes to go to and people to see." I said walking away laughing. This Kc girl was gonna put me in the spot light I'm glad I did fight her. Maybe next time I'll switch things up a bit.


Ok this is short I'm sorry but here it is. I wished this more said though maybe next chapter. 

But do you think Don or Eli should be her boy best friend?

What do you think Amanda is gonna do?

(Don't forget to leave a vote and comment loves) I'll try to post 2 more today if I can buh gn or gm whenever your reading this good... whatever.

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