Chapter 22: Here to stay

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The next day I wake up in my room at Eli's house and I head down stairs with my blanket to get something I eat. When I get downstairs I see Devon cooking. I take a picture​ for my Snapchat and I walk up behind him and hug him.

"Good morning baby." He said smiling.

"Good morning babe." I said hugging on to him then Don and Eli come downstairs looking a mess.

"Good morning sleeping beauties." I said. They slightly laughed.

"Kc come here real quick." Eli said. We walked upstairs to his room and I sat on the bed.

"Wassup?" I said tossing the basketball up.

"I'm getting a bad vibe from that Devon kid." He said.

"What do you mean?" I said slightly laughing.

"I mean it Kc. He's no good." He said taking the basketball​.

"Then what do you want me to do? Go back to Melo." I said.

"That's not what I'm saying." He said.

"Then what are you saying cause that's what I'm getting from you." I said.

"I'm just saying you should stay away from him." He said.

"Fine I'll stay away from him. When you give me proof why." I said. He stood there with words trying to come out but just wasn't coming.

"Exactly what I thought." I said standing up and walking​ out.

Man Kc is hella mad at me. I wish I could tell her what happened in the past with him and Krissy. Wait that's it. I'll get Krissy to tell her so it's 2 against 1.

Melo POV
Man I'm all types of messed up. I don't think I can play my game today. Kc really got a nigga in his feelings. She can't be with him he's not good enough and I can see it in his eyes that he's gonna play her. But what can I do I played her and I know he won't listen to me. I miss her so much bro she said we can still be friends but what she said to me at the graduation really hurt I can't get that out of my mind.

"Melo someone is here to see you!" My mom yelled.

"Coming." I yell back. I walk downstairs and see Kc in the front door.

"Hey Melo." She said slightly waving. I smiled and walked towards her.

"Wassup." I said.

"You trynna walk with me I could use the company." She said. I smiled and grabbed walked outside as I closed the door behind me.

"Wassup." I said as we were walking.

"Nothing really just coolin." She said. I looked at her face and she looked at me.

"What?" She said smiling. I said nothing. I was stunned by her beauty. I leaned in slowly as my lips touched hers softly. I felt her kiss back for a while then retreated. I saw her blushing and she wiped her lips.

"I'm sorry." She said shyly trying to cover her cheeks. I moved her hair from her face and I looked in her eyes.

"It's fine. You don't need to hide your feelings from me." I said with a little smirk. She slightly smiled and kissed me. As she kissed me I had that feeling. That feeling she gave me the first time I met her. That feeling when she cried in my arms. That feeling I feel when I see her beautiful face. She pulled away slowly and smiled showing off her colorful braces. 

"I love you." She said softly. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around her head. She was so short compared to me I guess that's what made us a cute couple. We slightly started rocking back and forth and she just didn't let go. We hugged for about 5 more minutes then she let me go and we started to walk back to my house. We knocked on the door and my mom opened it.

"Aww I miss y'all as a couple." She said holding her mouth.

"Won't worry Mrs.Tina. We ain't going no where." Kc said giving me a side hug.  We walk upstairs to my room and she sits on my bed.

"What am I gonna do about Devon." She said quietly. 

"Don't worry about him." I said as I started to crawl on top of her.

"Melo move." She said pushing me off.

"What? You scared of sex or something." I said. She said nothing.

"I see." I said. I closed my door and locked it as she sat there.

"Lemme change that." I said.

"Me lo we just got back together for 10 minutes and your already trying to fuck me." She said. Her mouth was something else bout her voice always made it better. 

"Nah a nigga just horny." I said running the back of my neck.

"Bye Melo." She said standing up and walking out. Damn I'm really bad at this


Ok here you go see I told y'all I'd update. Buh thoughts?

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