Chapter 12: Make me

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*One month later*

*Warning-sexual content*

So track season started about a week ago and I'm working my ass off this year. I guess when I lost Jordan I've more determine to follow my number one dream. Become a track star.  Because Jordan always said I'm the best track star out there and I know me becoming a actual track star would bring him to tears.

"Ok ladies get water and afterwards we got 10 more sprints. That'll teach y'all not to talk back to your teachers." Coach said. My friend Mayah got in trouble for yelling at her teacher because she failed her for no reason and coach was teaching us a lesson. 

After we did our sprints coached called me up so I jogged up to him and stood next to him.

"Ok now Kc you have to go up against Mayah and if you win everyone but you has 10 more sprints and if she wins you guys can all go." Coach said. We went to the start and coach called it.

"Ready, set, GO!" He yelled. we sprinted all the way to the end of the track and I kind of let her beat me because I would have felt bad plus I was tired.

"Kc take a lap. I know you let her win." He said. I took off running as coached yelled at me to pick up the pace.

"Kc you can't let other people win. Are you going to do that in a race?" He said. 

"No sir." I said.

"Ok then. Don't give people hand outs let them earn it." He said. I jogged to the locker room and got dressed. I walked out the locker room with Kehlani and Jay was outside waiting for us. 

"So how are you and Melo?" Jay asked.

"We're  good. I've just kind of pushed him aside because I'm still depressed from the Jordan situation." I explained

"Hey why don't you adopt another child. You can raise him or her all by yourself and it kind of patch things up." Kehlani I suggested.

"As much fun as that sounds I think I'll  just work at a daycare or something cause everyone always says I'm  good with kids so why not." I said.

"Ok but before you do all that make sure you get right with your boyfriend so y'all don't break up." Kehlani said.

"Ok I'll stop by his place tonight."

*later that day*

"Hi Mrs.Tina. Is Melo home?" I said.

"Oh I thought y'all broke up. He's been depressed for a while now. But yes ma'am he's in his room but me and Lavar are gonna step out for a while but I see you soon sweety." She said.

"Ok thank you." I said walking in the house. I walked up to his room and he was laying down on his phone.

"So you texting other hoes now." I said playfully. He looked up at me and smiled. He sat up and I sat in his lap.

"Baby I'm sorry I've been cutting you out lately." I said. He kissed me and looked into my eyes.

"It's ok baby. But you know what would make me feel better?" He said with a smirk. 

"LAMELO!" I said getting off his lap.

"What?!" He said.

"I ain't ya how I'll  have sex with you when I want to." I said. He looked me up and down and got up and took off his shirt. 

"Melo that's rape." I said. He gave me a sexy look and I went weak.

"Fuck." I said as I rushed towards him and grabbed his face as I kissed him. He took off my shirt and started kissing on my neck and I let out a small moan. He took off my bra and sucked on my breast and I pinned him on the bed as I made hickies on his chest and neck. He flipped me over and started to take off my pants and his hands smoothly moved up my tigh towards my sweet spot and he slowly took off my panties. He started sucking on my sweet spot and moans filled the room and he took off his pants and boxes then started to stroke me.

"Damn baby you tight as fuck." He said in a deep sexy voice. He kept going until I reached my climax and he reached his as I moan his name.

"I love you Kc." He said moving my hair to kiss my cheek.

"I love you too melon head." I said as I kissed him.

I'm not gonna lie that was my first time having sex and that was amazing. I wasn't expecting that at all.

*The next day*

After last night I've been feeling kind of funny and I'm praying I'm not pregnant. Don't get me wrong I want kids but I want to focus on my dream, my family, and Melo. Not his kid.

"Hey baby." Melo said kissing me.

"Hey baby." I said smiling.

"You trying to hang today?" I asked.

"Nah I'm busy." He said as he opened his box of chicken wings.

"Doing what?" I said closing it.

"Minding my business. Damn why you all up in my shit?" He said. I gave him a look that said. "Oil boy you ain't bout to take my virginity and switch up on me."

"I'm sorry you must be fucking other girls if you talking to me like that. You got the wrong one hiney." I said as I got up and walked away.

"Why she always tripping over shit." Melo said under his breath.

"If get yo ess back here." He said running after me.


"KC!" He yelled.

"WHAT!?" I snapped.

"What's wrong with you?" He said.

"Me!? Melo ain't nothing wrong with me you just over here disrespecting me and I ain't having it so try again." I said as I tried to walk off again.

"If I'm sorry baby." He said grabbing my arm.

"Yeah I am too." I said as I got loose from his grub then walked off angry.

"If if you walk away then it's  over!" He yelled as I walked away

"Well I guess we're  not dating anymore then. See you some other time Melo." I said

"If you better not walk away." He said.

"Make me." I said then kept walking.


Sorry this is late I had to do back to school stuff but stay tuned more kc and Melo drama on the way.

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