Chapter 11: Gone

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It's been a month and I'm finally out the hospital. Jordan made it but it's unstable he could still die because of the brain damage so he can't go to school or play basketball for a while. Since I'm finally out I can play basketball with my girls and my new boyfriend. Ever since me and Melo started dating people have been being nicer to me and it's kinda weird. On my way to my basketball period I run into this one dude who looks like a basketball player but I'm gonna lie he was cute.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said.

"You good. Hey you play basketball?" He said. I nodded.

"Oh well maybe we'll see each other more. Can I get you number?"

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

"So? What he don't let you have friends or something." He said.

"Umm well if you promise we stay friends I'll give you my number but maybe some other time. Bye." I said as I walked off.

Melo POV

As I see Kc walk away from Danny I feel proud she didn't give him her number.

"Hey Melo." He said.

"Hey Danny. So you like my girl?" I said.

"That's yo girl?! My b bro she said she had a man but I didn't think it was you." He said.

"Well now  you know and you good just don't try nothing." I said as I walked off.


I walked into the locker room and everyone went crazy. It was my first day back and I guess they missed me.

"Bro we thought you was dead." Dania said hugging me.

"Like I would leave y'all. I'm here to stay." I said. Everyone cheered and then we got dressed. We walked to the gym and started warming up a bit before coach Grit walked in.

"Well lookey here Ms.Kc is back." She said with a smile.

"Yes ma'am." I said as I hugged her. 

"Feels good to have you. Now lets get to it lady's."

*About 2 months later*

So tomorrow is the championship for the girls and I'm sleeping over at Melo's house for a change.

"So you ready for tomorrow baby" Melo said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Good." He said kissing my forehead. The next day came and she left to go to the bus at Chino Hills to drive the team there.

As we arrive to our hotel I see my family and Melo's family get out their cars.

"Hey guys." I said walking over to them to hug them. When I walk over Jordan is asleep and it scares me when he's asleep because I know there's a chance he can never wake up. 

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