Chapter 10:Fell for you

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Melo POV

 After the game was over and we won I wen to the locker room and when I got out Jay and Garrett came rushing to me out of breath and their eyes were red and puffy.

"What happened?!" I said.

"Kc got in a car accident because Amanda took Jordan and Jordan." Jay explained trying to catch her breath. My heart dropped and I stood there for a few seconds then ran to find my mom and dad.

"Momma! Kc's in the hospital we have to go see her." I said. 

"Calm down honey. Ok we'll go see her. What hospital?" She said. I check my phone and showed her the address Zo sent me. We all got in the car and we got to the hospital and I ran inside to the front desk.

"Kc Monroe?" I said.

"Are you a family member?" The lady asked.

"No but she's like family." I said.

"I see. Are these people with you as well?" She said pointing at my mom and dad and Jay and Garrett.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Well follow me to her room." She said getting from behind the counter. We got to her room and saw she was asleep and Dashawn was laying next to her crying. 

"Where's Jordan?" I asked. 

"Next door." Ant said with his head in his hands. I went next door and saw him laying on the hospital bed. He was awake and he was crying.

"Hey buddy." I said walking towards him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"You ok?" I said. He nodded.

"Then why are you crying?" I said sitting next to him on the bed.

"Because titi could die." He said crying. I looked at him crying and I hugged him tightly.

"I know Jordan. Do remember what she told you last time?" I said. He shook his head and wiped his eyes.

"She told you don't be scared your going to lose me cause you not. Even if I do died bubba I'll still be here to stay making sure your safe like always. Now Jordan promise me you won't leave me either cause I'd cry everyday if I lost you so please stay safe." I said. He started crying again and said.

"I'm not gonna make it Melo. The docter told me." I looked at him and tried not to cry from the thought of it and I hugged him even tighter. Ant walked in a few minutes later and Jordan was still crying.

"What happened?' Ant said.

"He said the docter told him he wasn't gonna make it." I explained. Ant stopped and grabbed a chair.

"This can't be happening." He said trying not to cry again. We sat in silence as Jordan slowly fell asleep from all the crying. I can't believe this is happening bro my almost little brother is about die and the girl of my dreams might die. At this point I couldn't hold back the tears anymore and I let them roll out on to my shirt and the bed.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the docter said you guys have to leave." The nurse said peeking in. I stood up and nodded while wiping my eyes and I got Ant then left.

"We went back to Kc's room and saw Garrett laying next to her in bed.

"Excuse me but are you guys her brothers?" Another nurse said.

"Yes." Ant said.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but Kc may not make it." She said my heart dropped and my knees went weak and before I fell Ant caught me.

"What about Jordan." Ant said.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing left to do for him. if he makes it good and if he doesn't we're so sorry." I felt my eyes water every second and Ant nodded and we headed to the waiting room.

Garrett POV

As I was laying next to Kc I heard the nurse say Kc and Jordan may not make it I decided it was time. Time to tell her that I know she likes Melo and that Melo likes her. I know it was a long shot but I had to because knowing that meant I was getting in the way of true love. She slowly opened her eyes while I was thinking about it.

"Hey." She said weakly.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Kc um ok Kc I love you but I know you love Melo and he loves you. I can tell when he walks in your eyes light up brighter than the sun and he's eyes do as well when you walk him." I said.

"But Garrett I love you too." She said weakly.

"I know but I can see true love when I see you two together so I'mma step aside and let it happened." I said. She smiled and I got up and kissed her one last time and went outside to get Melo. When I walked in the waiting room I saw him and Cherish hugging and she seemed kinda bummed. I'm guess they broke up as well. I walked up to Melo and told him Kc wanted to talk to him. He ran down the hall and into her room like the flash.

Melo POV

As I walked into her room she smiled at me and I sat next to her.

"No lay down." She said. I did as she did and looked into her eyes. Even when she had a busted face she was still beautiful.

"Did you win your game?" She said.

"Yeah." I said. She said nothing for a while and I decided to break the silence.

"I love you Kc." I said.

"What?" She said.

"Kc I love you with all my heart and I have since the day I met you. I love how you always stand your ground, how you work your butt off to get what you want, I just love everything about you." I explained. She smiled and kissed me and I kissed her back. She pulled back with a worried look.

"What about Cherish?" She said. 

"We broke up because she knew I loved you but she said was ok with it since you were best friend." I said. She smiled and I moved her hair out of her face.

"Kc even though you might die. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said. She smiled again and nodded. I kissed her forehead and I faced the ceiling and she put her arm over my chest and my mom snuck in to check on us and took a picture.

"Hey love birds." She said walking in smiling.

"Hi Mrs.Tina." Kc said.

"Hey mom." I said.

"You feeling ok sweety?" My mom asked.

"Yeah I'm feeling a lot better." She said as she looked at me and I kissed again.


This was cute but don't worry Kc is going to make it I don't know bout Jordan though. Thoughts? 

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