Chapter 15: Stay together

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*1 week later*

Today is state and I'm so nervous because there's so many things that can happen today. Last time I went to state Jordan died and that thought keeps me thinking all day. We're in Vegas again and I'm in my hotel room with Kehlani, Kira, and Jay and we're just talking about relationships and things like that. Kira was dating Don now since his ex cheated on him with that Danny kid and she always talked about Don everyday which was kind of annoying. 

"Hey when you and Melo getting back together?" Jay said spinning in a chair.

"Whenever he proves I trust him." I said on my phone texting Lexie. Lexie and Amaya were here in Vegas also to watch me run since it's been a while. Me and Jasmin (The one in New Orleans) were no longer friends because she was sneak dissing and turns out she was dating Chris before I left. 

"Come on Kc. You love that boy just forgive him." Kira said.

"You know she's hella petty." Kehlani said.

"True." Kira said. I threw a pillow at both of them and they threw them back. 

"Oh so this how we doing things now." I said as I stood up with the pillow in my hand.

"Wait chill." Kehlani said. I hit her with a pillow and she picked one up and hit me back.

"Pillow fight!" Jay yelled. We had a pillow fight for 5 minutes and I won of course.

"KC DA GOAT!" I yelled as I stood on the bed. They all threw pillows at me causing me to fall off.

"Ow." I said as someone knocked on the door. Jay opened it and there stood the one and only Lamelo Ball.

"Hey can I come in." He said.

"What do you want?" I said plopping on the bed.

"I just wanna talk real quick." He said sitting on the bed.

"Fine make it quick." I said.

"Out." I said to the girls and they walked out in the hallway.

''Wassup." I said putting a skittle in my mouth.

"You shouldn't be eating those." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry officer I didn't mean to." I said as he laughed.

"I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too." I said softly.

"What?" He said.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Nooo. You love me still." He joked.

"Whatever." I said. He tackled and layed on top of me.

"Get off of me." I said.

"Nah until you take me back." He said.

"You haven't showed me if I can trust you or not." I said. He pulled out this tiny box and opened it.

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